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《灵界经历》 第1791节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1791

1791. About those who constitute the phlegm in the Brain

There is a certain kind of spirits who, because they want to dominate and control people by themselves, stir up hostility amongst other spirits, even fights to the point of insanity. For those spirits whom they stir up fight each other like the bitterest enemies, and even those whom they know are on their side. I have seen such fights, and I was amazed, asking what was going on, and I was told it was that kind of spirits stirring things up because they want to have sole control.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1791


There is a certain class of spirits, who, because they wish to domineer and alone to govern man, excite among other spirits enmities, yea, quarrels even to insanities, for those spirits whom they excite fight among themselves like the bitterest enemies, and those also whom they know to be present. I have witnessed such quarrels and wondered at them, and upon inquiring into the matter was informed that such contests were excited by this class of spirits because they wished to rule without competition.

Experientiae Spirituales 1791 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1791. De iis qui constituunt pituitam in Cerebro

Sunt quoddam genus spirituum, qui quia dominari volunt, et soli regere hominem, excitant inter alios spiritus inimicitias, imo pugnas usque ad insanias, nam pugnant inter se ii spiritus, quos excitant, sicut infensissimi hostes, et quidem ii, quos norunt adesse; vidi tales pugnas, et miratus sum, quaesivi quidnam esset, dicebatur, quod tale genus spirituum sit, quod talia excitant, quia soli imperare volunt.

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