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《灵界经历》 第1792节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1792


I was also given occasion to speak with them, and they at once declared that they would take charge, and would teach everything, more than any others. I replied that such spirits are insanities, beginning as they did with fights like these. They spoke with me from higher up, at a middle height, above the forehead. Their speaking was of a kind that I could not judge their intentions from their speech, and that this was their nature; for they were speaking rapidly, and in quite a steady stream.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1792

1792. It was granted me to speak with them, when they immediately said that they would rule and teach everything, and far more that any others; to which I replied that such spirits were insanities, beginning, as they did, from angry quarrels and the like. They spoke with me from a superior to a middle altitude above the forehead. Their speech was such that from the speech I could not judge of their minds, that they were of such a quality, for they spoke rapidly, and as in somewhat of a stream.

Experientiae Spirituales 1792 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1792. Dabatur etiam loqui cum iis, qui statim dicebant, quod ii regerent, et docerent omnia, et plura, quam ulli alii, respondebam, quod tales spiritus insaniae sint, cum incipiant a pugnis et talibus; loquuti sunt mecum a superiori ad mediam altitudinem, supra frontispicium, loquela eorum talis erat, ut ex loquela de eorum animis, quod tales essent, judicare non potuissem, nam celeriter loquebantur, et satis cum flumine.

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