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《灵界经历》 第1794节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1794

1794. When I realized that they had anything but true religion, I spoke with them and asked whether they knew they were in the other life, where they would live to eternity. One of them did not like it that I asked this, because of the rest of them whom he was perhaps trying to lead astray. I said that when they were living on earth, they could be held as wise among the stupid, but here they are the insane among the wise, which they did not like. I went on to say that the government of heaven consists of mutual love, of one toward the others, bringing order and discipline to so many myriads, while with them, dissension and separation was the rule. Whatever people bring forth outside of themselves, that is what they have within themselves. They said that they cannot be different. I replied that those who cannot be different have brought this with them from bodily life, having believed and practiced such things as they did. 1748, 30 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1794

1794. When I perceived that they had not a particle of true faith, I spoke with them, asking if they were aware that they were now in another life, where they would live to eternity? and one of them, having his eye upon certain others whom he perhaps wished to seduce, was reluctant to have that said. I replied that in the world, while they lived there, they might have been esteemed wise among the foolish, but that here they were insane among the wise, which greatly displeased them. I continued saying that the government of heaven consisted in mutual love one towards another, whence arose the order and subordination of so many myriads, while among such as themselves there were strifes and alienations, inasmuch as such things as they had within them, these they produced without them. They said they could not be otherwise; to which I replied, that they had contracted this from their lives in the body, and that they could not be [or act] otherwise while they believed and practiced as they did. - 1748, March 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 1794 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1794. Cum percepi, quod ii nihil minus quam verae fidei essent, loquutus sum cum iis dicens, num sciant, quod nunc in altera vita sint, ubi aeternum victuri, unus eorum nolebat ut id dicerem, nempe pro caeteris, quos forte seducere voluit, dicebam, quod in terra, dum ibi vivebant, aestimari potuerint sapientes inter stultos, at hic sunt insani inter sapientes, quod iis displicebat, continuans, quod regimen coeli consistat in amore mutuo, unius erga alios, inde ordo et regimen tot myriadum, at apud tales, dissidia et divortia sunt; qualia producunt extra se, talia habent intra se; dicebant quod aliter esse nequeant, respondi quod id traxerint a vita in corpore, qui aliter esse nequeunt, dum talia crediderint, et exercuerint. 1748, 30 Martius.

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