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《灵界经历》 第1793节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1793

1793. I have been instructed that it is these who constitute the phlegm of the brain, which tends to obstruct the sieve-like layer, causing the waste fluid of the brain to stagnate and bring on dull-wittedness, and other insanities. I was told that it was this kind of people who make it a rule to cause dissensions and hostilities among all others, or, as the saying goes, "divide and rule," without any conscience, as many politicians do. So they consider it wisdom [to be able to incite] others to hostilities, intense conflicts and hatreds.

Now these are entirely superficial people because, as said, they block off the breathing through the nostrils, so that it is redirected through the mouth and then into the pharynx, thus off of the usual, natural path of breathing, which is through the nostrils because of the harmonious relation of the brain and its animation with things outside. So they disrupt the communication of inward with outward elements.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1793

1793. I was instructed that these are they who constitute the pituitary mucus of the brain, which is wont to obstruct the sieve-like lamina [or plate], making the brain to stagnate like a kind of excrementitious ground, whence arise dullness and similar insanities. I was informed, too, that a like class of men are those who make it a rule to cause dissensions and enmities among all others, or who, as the saying is, divide in order to rule, and that, too, without conscience, like many politicians, thus placing prudence in the enmities, intestine strifes, and hatreds which they can kindle among others. They are altogether external men, because they obstruct, as was said, the nasal respiration, so that it is determined through the mouth, and thus into the pharynx, entirely contrary to the natural mode of respiration, which is through the nostrils, by reason of the agreement of the brain and its animation with external things; thus these persons break the communications between interior and exterior things.

Experientiae Spirituales 1793 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1793. Instructus sum, quod ii sunt, qui pituitam cerebri constituunt, quae obstruere solet laminam cribrosam, ut humor recrementosus cerebri, stagnet, inde hebetudines, et similes insaniae, et quod tale genus hominum sint, qui pro regula habent, ut dissidia et inimicitias causentur inter omnes alios, seu ut dicitur, qui dividunt, ut imperent,'' idque absque conscientia, ut multi politici, sic qui prudentiam in inimicitiis, intestinis pugnis et odiis, aliorum ponunt: suntque prorsus externi homines, quia obstruunt, ut dicebatur, respirationem per nares, quare ea determinatur per os, et sic in pharyngem, aliter ac solet esse via naturalis respirationis, quae est per nares, ob causam concordantiae cerebri et ejus animationis cum externis; ita rumpunt ii communicationes interiorum cum exterioribus.

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