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《灵界经历》 第1812节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1812

1812. For this reason, it is they who should be called the false spirituous fluids, those containing nothing living, but only quite hard, gluey, and subtle material elements, which get into the purer blood, contrary to order. So they are sublimated, subtle poisons, rather than animate spirit or purer blood.

Their effect is that wherever they go, they attach themselves to other parts and bring coldness on them, causing sluggishness to the nerves, and to each and every part, such as the brains together with their tissues and cavities. Then they also bring on sluggishness of the body, atrophy, interior blockages, which break out in very many serious diseases, for they are the inward causes of them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1812

1812. These, therefore, are they who are to be called spurious spirits, or such as have in them nothing of life except the harder conglutinated portions or the material things of the interiors, which enter into the purer blood, and that without order. They are thus rather [to be regarded] as sublimated and subtle poisons, than as animal spirit or the purer blood. Their effect is, that wherever they come they stiffen other things, inducing cold upon them, as also a torpor upon the nerves and upon all the other several parts, as the brains with their fibers, cavities [cavis]; so also upon the organs of the body, whence arise torpors, phthises, interior obstructions, occasioning the breaking forth of very many and very severe diseases, of which they are the interior causes.

Experientiae Spirituales 1812 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1812. Sunt itaque ii, qui vocandi spiritus spurii, seu in quibus nihil vitae, modo duriora conglutinata, seu materialia interiora, quae sanguinem puriorem intrant, absque ordine; ita sunt venena potius sublimata et subtilia, quam spiritus animalis seu sanguis purior; eorum effectus est, ut ubicunque veniunt, figant caetera, frigus iis inducunt, sic torporem nervis, et singulis partibus, sicut cerebris, fibris eorum, cavis, ita quoque corporis, inde torpores, phtises {a}, obstructiones interiores, ex quibus erumpunt gravissimi et perplurimi morbi, nam sunt eorum causae interiores.

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