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《灵界经历》 第1825节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1825

1825. All matters of faith are enriched from the innermost regions

Spirits were told that heaven, or heavenly and spiritual matters related to a belief in the Lord, cannot possibly be any different from everything in the animate kingdom, and everything in the vegetable kingdom, in this respect that every least thing comes forth from the innermost regions, the regions farthest removed from the senses. The very least things in both kingdoms are ever beyond our grasp. Wherever the eye penetrates with the aid of a microscope, it discovers still more amazing things, and this is only on the lowest level, a little on an inward one. Without first elements from the innermost, which are the all within things of a lower order, nothing could ever come into existence and continue to exist, and be what it is. So life enters from the innermosts.

The same applies to the individual ideas of people on earth, of spirits, and of angels, when they are led by the Lord-the unbelievable wonders begin only on the inside. 1748, 2 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1825


It was said to spirits that the nature of heaven, or of celestial and spiritual things, which are of faith in the Lord, can by no means be otherwise than is the case with everything which is in the animal, and everything which is in the vegetable kingdom, to wit, that each particular proceeds from inmost things, or from those which are most remote from the senses, and these particulars in either kingdom are such that they can never be adequately conceived. However deep the keenest eye may penetrate, it still detects increasing wonders, and yet these are only in the lowest degree advancing but little way into the interior. Without principles derived from inmosts, which are all in all lower things in orderly arrangement, nothing would ever exist or subsist, nor would there be anything such that life from the inmosts could enter into it. The case is the same with each one of the ideas of men, spirits, and angels who are led by the Lord; the wonderful and incredible things begin first in the interiors. - 1748, April 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 1825 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1825. Quod impleantur omnia fidei ab intimis

Spiritibus dictum est, quod nequaquam aliter se habere possit coelum, seu coelestia ac spiritualia, quae sunt fidei in Dominum, quam sicut omne quod in regno animali est, et omne quod in regno vegetabili: ab intimis, seu iis quae remotissima sunt a sensibus, procedunt singula, quae in utroque regno talia sunt, ut nusquam concipi queant; quousque oculus perspicillis {a} penetrat, usque plura detegit, mirabilia, et ea sunt modo in gradu infimo, paulum in interiori; absque principiis ab intimis, quae sunt omne in inferioribus ordine, nihil usquam existeret, et subsisteret, et nihil tale foret, inde vita ab intimis init; similiter ideae singulae hominum, spirituum et angelorum, qui a Domino ducuntur, in interioribus primum incipiunt mirabilia, et incredibilia. 1748, 2 April.

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