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《灵界经历》 第1824节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1824

1824. And they saw nothing whatever in other people that they did not pick apart within themselves, and try to distort, as well as everything in me that was pleasing, but which they did not want to support because they were eager to take control of me.

Among spirits, all their efforts come to light in this way, for they now behave in character. That character is exposed, and they are seen to be of this nature, working as spirits with unbelievable skill. For now, superficialities do not stand in the way, and instantaneously they see, grasp, distort, support. Anything lifeless, deceitful, anything cunning, shows so plainly to upright spirits, even more to angels, that almost nothing remains hidden. For spiritual sight brings this with it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1824

1824. Nor was there anything which they perceived in others which they did not seize upon [and draw] within themselves and endeavor to pervert; and so with whatever there was that was agreeable to me, but which they were not inclined to favor. The case with spirits is such, that all their endeavors come forth into the light, for they then act from their own genius, which is manifested, and in virtue of which they are of such a quality, and they act as spirits with so refined a subtlety, as to stagger belief. The reason is that externals do not then stand in the way. In a moment they see, perceive, pervert, favor; whatever has in it nothing of life, whatever is deceitful, whatever is cunning, is so manifestly open to good spirits, still more to angels, that almost nothing can be hid; for spiritual vision involves that in it.

Experientiae Spirituales 1824 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1824. Nec quicquam erat, quod in aliis percipiebant, quod non carperent intra semet, et pervertere conarentur, et quicquid apud me, quod placebat, cui non vellent favere, nam mihi imperare studebant; apud spiritus, omnes eorum conatus sic in lucem veniunt, nam tunc agunt ex sua indole, quae manifestatur, in qua tales sunt, et tam solerter agunt, dum spiritus, ut nullus induci possit credere; tunc enim non obvia sunt externa: momento vident, percipiunt, pervertunt, favent; quod nihil vitae, quod dolosum, quod astutum inest, tam evidenter patet spiritibus probis, magis angelis, ut nihil fere lateat: nam visio spiritualis id secum habet.

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