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《灵界经历》 第1844节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1844

1844. From this it is plainly evident that the whole of heaven and earth, in general and in particular, are controlled by the field emanating from the Lord, and quite obviously, protected against iniquities and wickedness, weakening their effectiveness. For there were evil spirits who, on entering the field, did not at all want to stay there, because it was disgusting to them and made them feel closed in, so they were obliged to withdraw. From this it can be understood, among many other things, how evil spirits are constrained against entering into the human being of the universe.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1844

1844. That the universal heaven and the earth, in general and in particular, are ruled by a sphere emanating from the Lord, may hence be manifestly apparent; and that thus iniquities and malignities may be driven away and their force enfeebled, so as to be unable to effect anything, may be abundantly evident. There were certain evil spirits, who, while they came within such a sphere, were wholly unwilling to remain there, as it was irksome to them, and put them into a kind of anguish, when they were prompted to retire. From this it may be known how it is that evil spirits are driven away, lest they should universally enter into man, besides many other things.

Experientiae Spirituales 1844 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1844. Quod universum coelum et terra in genere et in specie, a sphaera, prodeunte a Domino, regantur, inde manifeste constare potest, et sic arceri iniquitates et malitiae, et hebetari, ne quicquam possint, satis inde sciri potest: fuerunt enim spiritus mali, qui dum venirent intra sphaeram, neutiquam ibi vellent morari, quia iis fastidiosa erat, et ii quasi in angustia, quare inde recedere debebant, ita quomodo arceantur mali spiritus, ne intrent in hominem universi, quoque sciri potest, praeter perplura alia.

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