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《灵界经历》 第185节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 185

185. How a person on earth is withdrawn from the company of angels

Sometimes I have lapsed into thoughts about worldly matters and the associated worries, and each time I would sink away from the company of spirits. I discovered the reason: the corresponding more inward elements were being separated and my mind was becoming absorbed in outward ones only, without interaction.

This is the reason why the children of the ancient Church spoke throughout their life with angels, and had continuous association with them: because in outer things, the interacting inner ones were portrayed to them. But when people pay attention only to outer things, then they are removed from open association with the angels and are governed by spirits, who in turn are ruled by angels.

Then such a person is indeed governed by God the Messiah, in all things down to the very least details - but in a permitting manner; and in this way, all are protected from evil spirits, every single moment.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 185


I have sometimes fallen into thoughts about mundane affairs and the cares connected with them, and just so often have I fallen away from the company of spirits. I perceived the cause of this to be that the more interior corresponding things were then separated, and the mind only inhered in external things without any correspondence. This is why the sons of the Ancient Church throughout their life spoke with angels and had continual interaction with them, for in the externals the corresponding internals were represented to them. But so long as man indulges only in external things, he is removed from manifest interaction with angels. Man is ruled by spirits, and these by angels, and in this manner, he is ruled by God Messiah by His permitting, and this in all things and in the very least things; and thus men are guarded from evil spirits every single moment. 1


1. This paragraph is thus entered in the Index (s.v. Ecclesia):

"When I was let down into worldly things, I was removed from consociation with the angels; whence it could be concluded that the sons of the Ancient Church were in spiritual vision and with angels, by intuition, because not in earthly things; and that the men of the present day are in earthly things."

Experientiae Spirituales 185 (original Latin 1748-1764)

185. Quomodo abstrahitur homo a consortio angelorum

Aliquoties in cogitationes decidi de rebus mundanis, et earum curis, ac toties relapsus sum a consortio spirituum, causam appercepi, quod tunc intimiora correspondentias separarentur, et modo mens externis absque correspondentia inhaereret; quae causa est, quod antiquae Ecclesiae filii cum angelis per vitam suam loquuti sunt, et continuum habuerint consortium, quia in externis repraesentabantur iis interna correspondentia, at vero dum homo solum externis indulget, tunc ab angelorum consortio manifesto amovetur, ac 1

regitur a spiritibus, et hi ab angelis, et sic homo a Deo Messia, et quidem in omnibus et singularissimis, sed permittendo, et sic custodiuntur 2

a malis spiritibus, unoquolibet momento.


1. The Manuscript has amovetur; ac

2. The Manuscript has custudiuntur

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