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《灵界经历》 第1862节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1862

1862. There were also spirits present who were trying to counterfeit that warmth, and some of it was above the eyes, but I could not feel it, for I had been informed that by their art, they are able to counterfeit some warmth, as they had previously done in regard to delights [Rev. 3:16]. It was given me to say that in that warmth, as in the fake delight, worms are generated, for it turns to rot. 1748, 7 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1862

1862. There were spirits also who would fain counterfeit such a heat, and there was a certain degree of it above the eyes, but I could not perceive it, for it was given me to know that they were able by their art to feign or pretend something of the kind, as they had done in former instances in regard to delights, but it was merely an external sensation, having no origin in internals; and such a heat, because simulated, is noxious, and is a mere tepid something which causes vomiting. It was given me to say, that in such a heat, as in spurious delight, worms are engendered, for it becomes putrid. - 1748, April 7.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1862 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1862. Erant spiritus qui quoque fingere talem calorem volebant, et quidem 1

erat supra oculos, sed eum non percipere potui, nam scire mihi datum est, quod arte sua aliquem effingere, seu mentiri possint, sicut prius jucunditates [399], sed modo externum, absque origine ab internis, sed talis calor, quia mentitus, noxius est, estque tepidum quoddam, quod exspuendum [Apoc. III: 16]; dabatur mihi dicere, quod in tali calore, sicut in jucundo mentito vermes nascantur, nam putrescit. 1748, 7 April.


1. sic manuscript; J.F.I. Tafel's edition has quidam substituit

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