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《灵界经历》 第1868节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1868

1868. About the accounting of righteousness through belief

It is a condition common to all in the heavens and on earth that they live in society, and that without companions it is not life; that is, that everyone [lives] by virtue of all others in the universe, and specifically, of similar companions. It follows from this that the life of everyone is through others - something that is so obvious in the heavens that no one denies it. It is only spirits not yet become angels, especially evil ones, who deny it, ascribing their life to themselves. On this subject I have frequently debated with them, and often it has been actually proven to them. For when they doubted and denied it, their companions sometimes confessed that it had been they who had spoken through the spirit in question; and the same in other instances.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1868


Since such is the condition of all in the heavens and the earth that they live in society, and there is no life without associates, that is to say, everyone lives from the life of all in general and from that of his associates in particular, it thence follows that the life of everyone is by others, which in fact is so manifest in the heavens that no one will deny it. Only spirits not yet made angels, especially evil ones, deny it, attributing their life to themselves, a point concerning which I have often disputed with them, and the truth has been shown them to the life; for while they doubt and deny, their associates sometimes confessed that it was they who spoke through them, and so in other cases.

Experientiae Spirituales 1868 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1868. De Imputatione justitiae per fidem

Cum talis est conditio omnium in coelis et in terris, quod in societate vivant, et absque sociis non sit vita, nempe unusquisque ex omnibus in universo, ac a consociis similibus in specie, inde sequitur, quod vita alicujus per alios sit, quod tam manifestum est in coelis ut nemo id neget; spiritus solum nondum angeli facti, imprimis mali, id negant, sibi vitam suam attribuentes, de quibus multoties cum iis disceptavi, et saepe iis ad vivum ostensum est; nam dum dubitarent, et negarent, quandoque socii fassi sint, quod ii fuerint, qui per eum loquuti, et ita in reliquis.

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