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《灵界经历》 第187节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 187

187. About spirits when apart, and when together

For the most part, spirits act in company with many of the same species. With me also they have many times spoken in company - a fact I was enabled to perceive plainly. But besides this, there are spirits apart, seemingly speaking on their own, but who are apart for the purpose of taking in and, let us say, collecting the reasonings of others - in fact, of many species belonging to their own kind - and then of speaking with me.

When these spirits seemed to have departed from me, they fell back to their own species in order to pursue a compatible life with them. The diverse species are distinguishable by many indications. They are also differentiated by the sounds of their speech and, when they are conversing and doing things together, by a characteristic murmuring noise. 1747, the 28th day of August (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 187


For the most part, spirits act as a society with many of the same species. They have also as a society frequently spoken with me, which it was given me manifestly to perceive. But there are, in addition, separate spirits who speak as it were from themselves; but they were separated in order that they might receive and gather together, as it were, the reasonings of others and indeed of very many species of the same kind and so speak with me. When these spirits seemed to have departed from me, they fell back again to their own species, that they might lead a life conjointly with them. Different species, moreover, distinguish themselves by many indications, even by the sounds of their speech; and when they are together and converse and act, they are distinguished one from another by a certain differing murmuring and noise. 1747, Aug. 28, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 187 (original Latin 1748-1764)

187. De spiritibus separatis et conjunctis

Utplurimum spiritus in societate agunt cum pluribus ejusdem speciei, in societate etiam mecum multoties loquuti sunt, quod manifeste mihi 1

datum est percipere, sed praeterea dantur spiritus separati, qui quasi ex se loquuntur, sed separati sunt ideo, ut ratiocinia aliorum et quidem plurium specierum ejusdem generis reciperent, et quasi colligerent, et sic mecum loquerentur; hi quum a me discessisse mihi visi sunt, ad speciem suam sunt relapsi, ut vitam consortem cum iis agerent. Species diversae, praeterea quod distinguant se, per plura indicia, etiam ex sonis eorum loquelae, et dum simul sunt, colloquuntur et agunt, ex quodam differenti murmuratione et constrepitu, interstinguuntur. 1747, die 28 Aug. st. v.


1. The Manuscript has mihil

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