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《灵界经历》 第188节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 188

188. About angels and spirits in general

Angels are distinguished from spirits in this principal respect, that spirits bend everything whatsoever that is thought of, or that presents itself, toward evil; while angels turn each and everything toward good. There are also intermediate spirits, who are almost exclusively devoted to understanding things; and through them, for the most part, the fantasies of spirits communicate with the very pleasurable mental imagery of the angels. But this takes place through angelic spirits based on understanding, for there are two kinds of spirits of understanding. The good ones are distinguished from the evil only by faith. 1747, the 28th day of August (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 188


Angels are distinguished from spirits primarily in this respect, that spirits bend all things that are thought and which exist into evil, whereas angels turn each and all things into good. There are also intermediate spirits who are almost solely intellectual. It is through these, for the most part, that there is a communication of the phantasies of spirits with the most delightful ideas of the angels, but this is by means of angelic intellectual spirits; for there are two kinds of intellectual spirits. The good are distinguished from the evil only by faith. 1747, Aug. 28, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 188 (original Latin 1748-1764)

188. De angelis et spiritibus in genere

Distinguuntur angeli a spiritibus in eo primario, quod spiritus omnia, quaecunque cogitantur et existunt, flectant in malum; at vero angeli omnia et singula vertant in bonum. Dantur etiam spiritus intermedii qui sunt paene mere intellectuales, per hos utplurimum fit communicatio phantasiarum spirituum, cum jucundissimis ideis angelorum; sed [hoc] per intellectuales angelicos, nam dantur intellectuales duplicis generis; boni a malis distinguuntur solum per fidem. 1747, d. 28 Aug. st. v.

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