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《灵界经历》 第1906节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1906

1906. About the love of infants called storge 1

The love of little children called storge is so universal in all that is alive, because this aura, emanating from the Lord through the innermost heaven, where infancies dwell, surrounds and touches especially little children, then also the parents, especially mothers because they are forms of affection.

Little children are especially touched by it, as is evident from the innocence in their face, speech and gestures, which then touches those more grown up in addition to the universal aura. This moving cause, wherever it meets with an ability to receive it, touches the receiver, causing a union, especially of parents with their little children. For this reason it also diminishes as the little ones grow up and come into their own rights. 1748, 8 May.


1. An imported Greek word meaning "parental love." (See OED.)

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1906


The reason that the love of infants and the storge is so universal in everything living is, that such a sphere from the Lord [passing] through the inmost heaven, where infancies are, surrounds, and especially affects, both infants and their parents, particularly the mothers, inasmuch as they are affections. Infants are affected in the first instance, which may be seen from their innocence, manifested in the face, speech, gestures, and from its effect upon adults, not to speak of the universal sphere [of love]. The affecting cause, wherever it finds a receptive faculty, affects; thence springs a union, especially of parents and their infant children; yet this feeling grows weaker as children grow up and become their own masters. - 1748, May 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 1906 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1906. De amore infantum seu storge

Quod amor infantum et storge sit tam universalis, in omni vivo, causa est, quod talis sphaera a Domino per coelum intimum, ubi infantiae, circumdet, et afficiat imprimis infantes, tum etiam parentes, imprimis matres, quia affectiones sunt; infantes imprimis afficiuntur, quod etiam constare potest ab eorum innocentia in facie, loquela, gestibus, quae sic afficiunt adultiores, praeter sphaeram universalem; causa afficiens ubicunque offendit facultatem recipientem, afficit, inde unio, cumprimis parentum et eorum infantum: quare etiam diminuitur, quum infantes adolescunt, et sui juris fiunt. 1748, 8 Maj.

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