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《灵界经历》 第1905节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1905

1905. What the reflection of spirits and angels is like, and on what kinds of things they reflect, would be an endless subject to discuss. Without reflection there is no life.

1905. 1/2. By being enabled to reflect, spirits have also seen through my eyes, as they have often declared. Whenever I was allowed to let them reflect on objects, they declared that they saw them as they are seen among people on earth, but not except through me. Therefore, since people do not believe they are governed by means of spirits, they cannot be given that kind of reflection. So spirits do not see through man, but are only conscious from his interiors.

This has very often been demonstrated to me, so that spirits were able to see the individual objects in the world, and in my imagination, and in my thought. When the door of the mind is open toward heaven, then indeed a certain continuous reflection is given, bringing with it communication of spirits with the person, and because of this they know that they are not the people they are with.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1905

1905. Of what nature the reflection of spirits and angels is, and upon what subjects exercised, it would be endless to speak, for without reflection there is no life.

1905 1/2. By means of reflections given, spirits saw through me, as they oftentimes confessed. Whenever it was granted me that they should reflect upon objects, they confessed that they saw them, as they are seen among men, but not otherwise than through me. Inasmuch, then, as men do not [generally] believe themselves to be governed by means of spirits, such a reflection cannot be given them; wherefore spirits do not see through man, but only know from his interiors. This was very often made manifest to me, so that spirits could see each particular object that was in the world, as well as what was in the imagination and in the thought. While the gate of the mind is thus open towards heaven, there is given a certain continual reflection, whence is a communication of spirits with man, and thence they know that they are not the men with whom they are.

Experientiae Spirituales 1905 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1905. Qualis reflexio spirituum et angelorum, et qualium, indefinitum est dicere, nam absque reflexione nulla vita.

1905a. Per reflexiones datas etiam spiritus per me viderunt, quod saepius fassi; quoties mihi datum est, ut reflecterent ad objecta, tunc fassi sunt se videre ea, et praeterea non, similiter ac fit penes hominem, ideo quia homines non credunt se regi per spiritus, non dari iis potest talis reflexio, quare spiritus nec per hominem vident, sed modo sciunt ex interioribus ejus: hoc saepius mihi ostensum: sic ut spiritus singula objecta videre potuerint quae in mundo, et quae in imaginatione, et quae in cogitatione: dum aperta sic est janua seu mens versus coelum, tunc datur quoque continua quaedam reflexio, inde communicatio spirituum cum homine, et inde sciunt, quod non homines sint, apud quos sunt.

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