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《灵界经历》 第191节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 191

191. About the character of people in the other life

People in the other life are not the same as in the life of the body, for now they are not able to pretend, to say one thing and do another, and, making use of the mental intellect, to put on goodness when they are evil. The character pertaining to the will now remains, while matters pertaining to the understanding that have not been branded upon one's character, pass away. So no one is able to pretend to be a different kind of person than they are in their will, thus in the way they live.

There are even deceptive spirits who are able to put on the appearance of angels; but they are the worst, and the cunning ingrained in their character is nevertheless exposed. Few such spirits have been admitted to me, for they must be kept far away from the company of others so that others may not be contaminated, and for many more reasons. 1747, the 31st day of August (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 191


Men in the other life are not such as they are during the life of the body, for they cannot then dissemble, they cannot say one thing and do another, and by the good conduct of their intellectual mind they cannot feign what is good when they are evil. Their nature then remains such as is the quality of the will. The intellectual things which have not been inscribed upon their nature pass away, so that no one can pretend to be other than he is in his will, and he acts accordingly. There are also deceitful spirits who can put on the outward appearance of angels, but these are the worst spirits; and it is still made manifest that cunning is implanted in their nature. Few such spirits were admitted to me, for they have been removed from the company of others lest these others should be defiled, and this for many reasons. 1747, Aug. 31, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 191 (original Latin 1748-1764)

191. De hominum indole in altera vita

Homines in altera vita non tales sunt, quales in corporis vita, tunc enim non possunt simulare, aliud dicere et aliud agere, et mentis intellectualis beneficio mentiri bonum quum sunt mali, indoles tunc, qualis est voluntatis, manet, intellectualia aufugiunt, quae non indoli inscripta sunt, ita nullus mentiri possunt 1

aliam personam, quam est voluntate, sic qualiter agit; spiritus dantur etiam dolosi, qui induere possunt angelorum speciem, sed sunt pessimi, et usque manifestatur, quod astutia indoli eorum implantata est, pauci tales admissi sunt ad me, nam remoti erunt a consortio aliorum, ne inquinentur, et ob plures causas. 1747, die 31 Aug. st. v.


1. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

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