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《灵界经历》 第190节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 190

190. Spirits had not heard or understood the thoughts

Today I was allowed to write something about the inner and outer person when very many spirits were present, as I clearly realized by sense. But afterwards I was told by one of them that he had understood nothing of what had been thought and written. I was thus taught by experience that spirits could not perceive any but such things as agreed with them, and that all understanding of the matters at hand would be cut off from them when it so pleases God the Messiah. 1747, the 31st day of August (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 190


Today, when very many spirits were present, as I manifestly perceived by sensation, I was allowed to write 1something concerning the internal and external man, but it was afterwards said to me by a certain spirit that he had perceived nothing of the things thought and written. Hence I was taught by experience that spirits could not perceive anything else than such things as are in agreement with themselves, and they were shut off from any understanding of the matters presented, when it so pleased God Messiah. 1747, Aug. 31, o.s.


1. In the Index Biblicus at Isaiah xxxvi. See Iungerich, The Schmidius Marginalia and Index Biblicus, p. 173.

Experientiae Spirituales 190 (original Latin 1748-1764)

190. Quod spiritus non audiverint seu intellexerint ea qua 1

cogitata sunt

Hodie licuit aliquid de interno et externo homini scribere 2

, quando perplurimi spiritus aderant, quod manifeste per sensum percepi 3

, verum postea a quodam mihi dictum est, quod nihil percepisset ab iis quae cogitata e scripta sunt: inde experientia edoctus sum, quod spiritus non potuerint aliud percipere, quam quae iis convenirent, et quod interciperetur iis omnis intellectus rerum praesentium, quando ita Deo Messiae placet. 1747, die 31 Aug. st. v.


1. = quae (forma antiqua)

2. vide Index Biblicus ad Es. XXXVI

3. The Manuscript has pecepi

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