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《灵界经历》 第1915节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1915

1915. Last night, a wild animal or insect having many feet was portrayed, in a shape not unlike that of a louse. It was brown in color, fairly large, and inspired horror, so that I shuddered from its mere presence, thus from its aura of thoughts.

Afterwards a certain spirit, who had been portrayed by this insect, came and tried to pour dreadful and wicked things into my mental imagery, too wicked to be described. Thereby I was enabled to learn what kind of mental images heavenly beings had regarding this spirit, in whom there was nothing but uncleanness and filth, his deeper mental images, which were hardly comprehensible, being no exception. He appeared to have been a person not long departed from bodily life, for he was not yet aware whether he was in the other life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1915

1915. This night there was represented a wild creature [fera] or an insect with many feet, not unlike a louse in shape, of a brown color, and of a size to inspire a degree of horror, insomuch that I shuddered at its bare presence, or, in other words, from the sphere of its thoughts. Afterwards a certain spirit represented by such an insect came and endeavored to infuse direful and abominable things into my ideas, things in fact so abominable that they are not to be described. Hence I was able to know what ideas the celestials had of that spirit, in whom there was nothing that was not unclean and filthy, not excepting his interior ideas, which could scarcely be apprehended. He seemed to have been a man who had not long since departed from the life of the body, for he knew not whether he was in the other life or not.

Experientiae Spirituales 1915 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1915. Hac nocte repraesentatum erat fera 1

seu insectum plurium pedum, non dissimile quoad figuram pediculo, coloris brunei, satis magna, quae horrorem incutiebat, sic ut solum a praesentia ejus horrerem, sic a sphaera cogitationum ejus; postea quidam spiritus, per tale insectum, repraesentatus, venit, qui dira et nefanda infundere conatus ideis meis, quae ita nefanda erant, ut non describenda, inde cognoscere potui 2

, quales ideas habuerint coelestes de eo spiritu, in quo nihil nisi immundum et spurcum erat, et quidem quoad interiores ejus ideas, quae vix caperentur; fuisse videbatur homo, non ita pridem a vita corporis secessisse, nam nesciebat, adhuc, num esset in altera vita.


1. The Manuscript has fera

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has potuit

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