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《灵界经历》 第1914节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1914

1914. When those in heaven see something in another's ideas that is unpleasant, offensive, or criminal, then at once it is visualized, either by spiritual portrayal, or by a spiritual mental image. When it is seen by a steady spiritual portrayal, then in the spiritual world, some species of beast, wild animal, or insect is created, having its own shape, color, and size entirely typifying the figurative mental image that is then coming down into the world of spirits.

The figurative mental image of the angels cannot be grasped by anyone in the body, but in the world of spirits it emerges visually, as it has before me any number of times while I was in vision. I was told that in these visions there is not anything whatever that is not shaped by an angelic mental image.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1914

1914. When those who are in heaven are in the ideas of anything, and perceive aught that is unpleasant, loathsome, atrocious, then that is immediately perceived within by a spiritual representation, or a spiritual idea; when by a spiritual representation, there is thence continuously formed in the spiritual world a certain species of beast, wild beast, or insect in its appropriate form, color, size, entirely corresponding with the representative idea which thus falls into the world of spirits. No one who is in the body can receive a representative idea of angels, but in the world of spirits it exists visually, as it has before me in innumerable instances, while I have been in vision, in which visions it was said to me that there was nothing embraced that was not formed from an angelic idea; (but otherwise:) 1


1. This phase (sed aliter) was probably intended as a mere memorandum for the author, to remind him that there was some different aspect in which the subject might be presented, and which he might perhaps give at another time.

Experientiae Spirituales 1914 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1914. Qui in coelo, quando in ideis alicujus percipiunt injucundum, tetrum, facinorosum, tunc illico id percipitur vel repraesentatione, spirituali, vel idea spirituali, cum repraesentatione spirituali continua tunc inde in mundo spirituali formatur quaedam species bestiae, ferae, vel insecti, cum sua forma, colore, magnitudine, prorsus qualis idea repraesentativa quae sic cadit in mundum spirituum; ideam repraesentativam angelorum non capere quis potest, qui in corpore, sed in spirituum mundo existit visualiter, sicut coram me innumeris vicibus, dum in visione fui, quae visiones mihi dictae sunt, quod nihil usquam iis inest, quod non formatur ab idea angelica.

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