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《灵界经历》 第1922节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1922

1922. So it is with everything. If anything at all is expressed by a bodily mental image, such as any feeling, be it hatred, or be it love, then the angels in their mental imagery grasp limitless complexities, which cannot possibly be described. This is both because so many elements concur at the same moment - and there, harmonious and pleasant ones - and because they are remote from bodily ideas, and in the very inward heaven, from earthly ideas; also, because they are truths and goods that cannot be grasped by bodily ideas. 1748, 10 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1922

1922. So as to any and everything, provided only something be expressed, as, for instance, any affection, as hatred or love, then the angels comprehend in their ideas indefinite things, which can never be described, not only because so many things concur in the same moment, and that too harmoniously and pleasantly, but because they are remote from corporeal ideas, and, in a more interior heaven, from natural; [in a word] because they are things true and good which cannot be apprehended by corporeal ideas. - 1748, May 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 1922 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1922. Sic unumquodvis, si idea corporea modo aliquid aliud exprimatur, ut aliqua affectio, ut sit odium, vel sit amor, tunc indefinita comprehendunt angeli suis ideis, quae nusquam describi possunt, tam quia tam permulta uno momento, et ibi harmoniia, ac jucunda, quam quod remota ab ideis corporeis, ac in intimiori coelo, a naturalibus, quam quod sint vera et bona, quae ideis corporeis capi nequeunt. 1748, 10 Maj.

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