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《灵界经历》 第193节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 193

193. About the permission given to evil spirits, and about how they are restrained or withheld; they are less than nothing

In the course of much and daily experience, I have noticed that evil spirits were able to carry out or exercise their malice at one time a lot, at another little. The reason for this was today disclosed to me more clearly than formerly, namely, that to the extent that their restraints are slackened or loosened by God the Messiah [working] through angels, they carry on in evil ways; but to the extent that angels are active, their bonds seem to be tightened, that is, their power of action is taken away, so that finally they can do nothing, and do not even know what they were about to do.

It is as if the amount of slackening and tightening of their bonds were being precisely and exactly weighed, as on a scale, depending upon what degree of liberty God the Messiah wills that the person [they are with] be let into. It is such an exact balancing that it cannot be described on account of the countless number of different cases.

Likewise, when they are permitted to speak in a condition of slackened bonds, they say horrible and filthy things, whereas in the condition of tightened or so to speak pulled in reins, or [restricted] freedom, they speak from themselves, or from others. When from others, which also occurs with immensely great diversity, then they say things they do not want to say, such as truths contrary to their character - or else, they simply do not know what they are saying. 1747, the 2nd day of September (old calendar).

From all this it follows that they are nothing, or less than a nothing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 193


From much long continued experience it was observed that evil spirits could sometimes work or exercise much, sometimes little, malice. The cause of this was disclosed to me today more clearly than before, namely, that so far as their bond is slackened and relaxed by God Messiah through the angels, to that extent do they act evilly; but so far as it is exercised by the angels, to that extent the bond is as it were tightened, that is, the power of acting is taken away, so that at length they are unable to do anything, and do not even know what they are going to do. There is a certain precise and exact weighing, as in a balance, of this loosening and tightening according to the state of the license which God Messiah is willing that the man should be allowed; the balance is so exact that it cannot be described on account of its indefinite varieties. It is the same when they are permitted to speak: in the state in which the bond is slackened, they speak dreadful and filthy things, but in the state of the tightening or as it were contraction of the said bond or license, they speak either from themselves or from others; when they speak from others, which is also of indefinite variety, they then say things which they do not will, thus speak truths contrary to their nature, or else they are entirely ignorant of what they are saying. 1747, Sept. 2, o.s.

From all this it follows that they are of no account whatever, or are less than nothing.

Experientiae Spirituales 193 (original Latin 1748-1764)

193. De permissione spiritibus malis data, ac de eorum restrictione vel inhibitione; quod sint minus nihilo

Observatum est, per multam ac diutinam experientiam, quod spiritus mali jam multum jam parum agere seu exercere suam malitiam potuerint, causa hodie clarius mihi detecta est quam prius, nempe, quod quantum iis per angelos a Deo Messia remittitur, seu relaxatur vinculum, in tantum male agunt, in quantum autem ab angelis agitur, in tantum quasi constringitur vinculum, hoc est aufertur potentia agendi, sic ut tandem nihil agere queant, et ne quidem sciant, quid acturi, sicut libratio quaedam est praecisa et exacta, sicut in bilance, eorum remissionis et constrictionis, secundum statum licentiae, in quem Deus Messias, velit ut homo emittatur, talis est exacta libratio, ut non describi queat, ob indefinitas 1

varietates.--Similiter dum iis permittitur loqui, in statu remissionis vinculi, dira et foeda loquuntur, at vero in statu constrictionis seu quasi attractionis dicti vinculi, seu licentiae, loquuntur ex se, aut ab aliis, quando ab aliis, quod etiam est indefinitae varietatis, tunc loquuntur ea, quae non volunt, sic vera contra indolem, vel etiam nesciunt plane quid loquuntur. 1747, die 2 Sept. st. v. Ex his sequitur, quod prorsus nihili sint, seu minus nihilo.


1. The Manuscript has indifinitas

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