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《灵界经历》 第194节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 194

194. Spirits and angels suppose that they are acting and speaking from themselves, even though they do so from others

I have also very often observed that spirits or angels acting or speaking with me supposed they were doing so from themselves, when yet it came from others more inward, and still more inward than themselves, who were also given the power to slacken and to tighten the restraints governing the will and the mouth, spoken of above [193]. When I had observed this and told them about it, they were indignant for a little while, but still could not but acknowledge it.

From this we may conclude that there are intermediary functions in a continuous chain, distributed in an incomprehensible manner by God the Messiah, consequently also intermediary stages of permissions in succession, which always increase in proportion to evil intent as the descent is made toward evil spirits.

It follows from all this that the permissions of higher angels look to better goals than those of lower ones, in descending order; and that a permission granted directly by God the Messiah, is for the sake of the best or final goal, namely the Heavenly Kingdom, in regard to humanity, and thereby the glory of Jehovah. 1747, the 2nd day of September (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 194


I have also often observed that spirits or angels acted and spoke with me and supposed that they did so from themselves, when yet it was from other spirits, interior and more interior than themselves, to whom it was given the lower of loosening and tightening the bond of the will and of the mouth, as said above [ 193. When I had observed and told them this they were indignant for a little while, but still they could not but acknowledge it. From this it is permissible to conclude that there are continuous mediations, arranged in an incomprehensible manner by God Messiah, consequently that there are also successive mediations of permissions which always increase as to the intention of evil, the more there is a descent to evil spirits. Hence it follows that the permissions of the higher angels have regard to better ends than those of the lower angels, in their order; and that the permission remaining to them immediately from God Messiah, is for the sake of the best or final end, namely, for the sake of the heavenly kingdom, as far as men are concerned, and thus for the sake of the glory of Jehovah. 1747, Sept. 2, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 194 (original Latin 1748-1764)

194. Quod spiritus et angeli autument ex se agere et loqui, tametsi ex aliis

Saepius etiam observatum est, quod agerent et loquerentur mecum spiritus vel angeli, ac autumarent, quod ex se, cum tamen ex aliis se interioribus, ac intimioribus, quibus etiam data est copia remittendi et constringendi vinculum voluntatis ac oris, ut prius dictum [193], quod cum observassem iis dixissem, indignati parumper sunt, sed usque non potuerunt non agnoscere. Exinde concludere datur, quod continuae sint mediationes incomprehensibili modo distributae a Deo Messia, proinde etiam successivae mediationes permissionum, quae semper augescunt quoad mali intentionem, quo plus descenditur spiritus malos; inde sequitur, quod permissiones superiorum angelorum spectent meliores fines, quam inferiorum, ordine; quod permissio a Deo Messia immediate, relicta, sit ob finem optimum, seu ultimum, nempe ob Regnum Coeleste, quoad homines sic ob gloriam Jehovae. 1747, d. 2 Sept. st. v.

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