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《灵界经历》 第1932节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1932

1932. When things that had been familiar to souls in bodily life are portrayed to them, they recognize them

This has often happened. Souls known to me in bodily life recognized everything that had been familiar to them, both things they had said, and had done, and their acquaintances, friends, neighbors, wives, children, and so on. So the memory remains with them of things in the life of the body, but they are not allowed, for many reasons, to exercise it, or take up their thoughts from it, except when the Lord permits this.

That is when actions of their life must be recalled to memory-details of which are usually brought up, and acknowledged by them, just as if they were in their bodily life, as well as the chain of events, the reasons, and other factors pertaining to those actions-in such a way that they cannot help but be entirely convinced.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1932


It has often happened that souls known to me in the life of the body recognized everything that was known to them in the life of the body, as well the things which they had spoken as those that they had done, as also their acquaintances, friends, relatives, wives, children, and the like, so that the memory which they had in the life of the body remains, but for many reasons it is not permitted to exercise it, or to draw upon its contents, unless when specially granted by the Lord, and when the acts of their lives are to be called to mind, of which each single item may be drawn forth, and recognized by them just as in the life of the body, with all the series, causes, and other circumstances pertaining to them, so that they cannot but be perfectly convinced thereby.

Experientiae Spirituales 1932 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1932. Quod animae, dum iis repraesentantur ea, quae iis nota in vita corporis [ea] recognoscant

Hoc saepius contigit, quod animae mihi in vita corporis notae, recognoscerent omnia ea, quae iis in vita corporis nota fuerunt, tam ea quae loquuti sunt, quae egerunt, [quam eos] qui iis cogniti, eorum amici, propinqui, uxores, liberi, et similia, sic ut iis memoria remaneat, quae in vita corporis, sed eam non exercere licet, seu ab ea depromere sua cogitata, ex pluribus causis, nisi dum permittit Dominus, dumque iis revocanda in memoriam vitae eorum acta, quorum singula ita depromi solent, et ab iis agnosci, similiter ac in vita corporis essent, tum omnes series, causae, et plura, ad ea pertinentia, ut non possint non prorsus convinci.

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