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《灵界经历》 第1934节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1934

1934. To lie down safely, none making afraid, Lev. 26:5, 6, etc.

I experienced the truth of this in a night of this very month, when evil spirits were maliciously trying to frighten me in my bed. They afflicted the joints of my whole body with trembling, so that everything was shaking. It was as I had also experienced on other occasions, namely, that they invaded all my joints and tissues, striking me with such a trembling that I felt as if the souls of the dead were taking complete possession of me, and really frightening me, claiming that they had died or been killed in that place and charging me to withdraw and go elsewhere. I saw dreadful apparitions, speaking with me about all this. Nevertheless, in that frightened state, I was safe, and did not fear anything.

This actual trembling pervading all my tissues I am unable to describe, because it comes from evil spirits. At times I have experienced it so strongly that anyone going through this would think he or she was being possessed by demons. 1748, May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1934

1934. "TO LIE DOWN SECURELY, WITH NONE TO MAKE AFRAID." - Lev. 26:5, 6, etc.

This was experimentally confirmed on a night of this month, when evil spirits from malice would fain have terrified me while reposing on my bed. They shook the joints of my whole body with trembling, so that there was a universal tremor, such as I had occasionally experienced at other times, namely, an invasion of all the joints and fibers, and the striking me with a trembling so sensible, that it seemed as if the souls of the dead had taken entire possession of me, and that, too, accompanied with terror, from the suggestion that they had died or were killed in that place, and that I should betake myself elsewhere. I beheld direful visions and [visionary beings] speaking with me concerning these spirits. But in the midst of this inwrought terror, I was so secure as to be afraid of nothing, notwithstanding such a lively tremor pervading all my fibers as I am no ways able to express, coming as it did from evil spirits. Had any other one experienced what I have occasionally done of this nature, he would have supposed he was possessed by demons. - 1748, May 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 1934 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1934. Cubare secure nullo terrente, Lev: XXVI: 5,6, etc. 1

Hoc confirmatum expertus, etiam nocte hujus mensis, cum mali spiritus, ex malitia me terrefacere vellent, in lecto; occupabant artus totius corporis tremore, sic ut omne tremisceret, ut alioquin etiam quandoque expertus, scilicet, quod invaderent omnes artus et fibras, et tremorem ita sensibilem incuterent, sicut animae mortuorum occuparent totum me, et quidem cum terrore, objiciendo quod in loco hoc mortui seu occisi fuerint, quod inde me reciperem alio, visiones vidi diras, et loquentes mecum, de iis, sed usque in terrore isto incusso, securus eram, ut nihil quicquam timerem; talem tremiscentiam vivam, pervadentem 2

omnes fibras, quam exprimere nequeo, quia spirituum malorum, quandoque ita expertus sum, ut si aliquis ea experiretur, occupari se a daemonibus putaret. 1748, Maj.


1. titulus non sublineatus in the Manuscript

2. The Manuscript has tales (sic!) tremiscentia viva, pervadens

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