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《灵界经历》 第1935节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1935

1935. Higher knowledge of truths in people on earth is like containers

It should be quite well known that we have nothing but the most general higher knowledge, even though it may seem to us to be precise; for each notion contains infinitely many elements, since each truth is capable of expanding to infinity.

Thus deeper knowledge of truths with human beings may be said to be only containers or receptacles, and quite crude ones at that, even most crude, and into them is poured by the Lord everything they must contain. For without most general truths as containers, nothing of truth can be imparted.

These words were spoken in the presence of angels, and corroborated. 1748, 11 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1935


It may be sufficiently known that we have only the most general knowledges of things, although they seem to us [exceedingly] subtle; for every single notion, whatever it be, contains an infinity of particulars, as every truth, be it what it may, may be augmented to infinity. Thus the knowledges of truths with men may be called merely vessels or recipients, and that too of a rude, yea, of the rudest kind, into which are poured from the Lord those things which they were designed to contain; for without the most general truths as vessels nothing of [higher] truth can be insinuated. These things were said in the presence of angels, and [by them] confirmed. - 1748, May

Experientiae Spirituales 1935 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1935. Quod cognitiones veritatum apud homines sint quasi vasa

Notum satis esse potest, quod non nisi quam communissimas rerum cognitiones habeamus, tametsi nobis videantur subtiles; nam unaquaevis notio infinita continet, nam unaquaevis veritas in infinitum augeri potest, sic cognitiones veritatum apud homines vocari possunt modo vasa seu recipientia, et ea satis rudia, imo rudissima, quibus a Domino infunduntur ea quae continere debent; nam sine communissimis veritatibus, quasi vasis, nihil veri insinuari potest; haec dicta sunt in praesentia angelorum, et confirmata. 1748, 11 Maj.

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