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《灵界经历》 第1938节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1938

1938. Spirits who have been with me were many times surprised and astonished that they were with people in the way they are, and were with me, just as if they were people in the world, and in a body. Some again today were surprised at this, for they cannot tell otherwise than that they are the people with whom they are, with no difference whatever. They come at once into possession of all that is in the person, namely of the memory, while yet the person is left alone, being a spirit also, and therefore in their company, as I was often allowed to prove to the spirits. 1748, 12 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1938


(The spirits who were with me were oftentimes moved to wonder and astonishment that they were in such a way with men in general, and in a still more peculiar way with me, - almost, in fact, as if they had been [living men] in the world and in the body. Some of them experienced this wonder today, for they cannot realize but that they are the men with whom they are, so little are they conscious of a difference, for they come forthwith into the possession of everything that belongs to him, that is, everything of his memory, when, notwithstanding, the man is [apparently] left to himself, as he is himself a spirit, and thus in the society of spirits, as it was often given to me to show them. - 1748, May 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 1938 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1938. De spiritibus, qui apud homines sunt

Spiritus, qui apud me fuerunt, multoties admirati sunt, et obstupuerunt, quod sic apud hominem essent, et penes me, prorsus quasi ii in mundo, in corpore, quod etiam hodie quidam admirati, nam non aliter possunt scire, quam quod ii homo 1

sint, apud quem sunt, sic ut nihil quicquam differat, nam illico in possessionem omnium ejus, nempe memoriae, veniunt, cum nihilominus homo sibi relictus est, quia etiam is spiritus, ita in eorum societate, quod spiritibus saepe monstrare mihi dabatur. 1748, 12 Maj.


1. The Manuscript has homines

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