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《灵界经历》 第1961节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1961

1961. 1[In the original two small circles appear here with crosshatched marks in them.] An amazing fact also not understood by very many, is this paradox, that when the heaven of the Lord looks into an evil one, he or she is tortured by it, that is, when the Lord is at hand with His presence, they are then so distressed and tortured that, just as Moses said, Num. 10:35, His enemies are scattered, and they that hate Him flee from His faces. Yet He brings nothing whatever of evil, not anything but good, and the greatest gentleness. This makes it clear that the person, or the spirit, is the cause of their own evil, torture and death. 1748, 15 May.


1. The original indicates that 1961 is to be inserted after 1959.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1961

1961. O O 1It is a wonderful fact, and one passing the comprehension of most persons, who regard it as a paradox, that when the heaven of the Lord looks directly upon evil, it produces this kind of torture; that is to say, when the Lord's special presence manifests itself, this kind of anguish and torment ensues, and, as Moses says, Numbers 10:35, then His "enemies are scattered," and "they that hate Him flee before His face;" when yet that manifestation brings nothing of evil, but good only, being of the most abundant clemency. Hence it may appear that man or spirit himself is the cause of his own evil, torment, and death. - 1748, May 15.


1. Dr. Tafel remarks that he has transposed Nos. 1960 and 1961, which he has indicated by the dotted circlets. This is evidently required by the connection.

Experientiae Spirituales 1961 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1961. 1

# # Hoc mirabile, nec intelligitur, a permultis, est ut paradoxon, quod cum coelum Domini inspicit in malum, quod sic crucietur, hoc est, cum Dominus praesentia Ipsius adest, quod tunc ita angantur et crucientur, et sicut Moses dixit, Num. X: 35 2

, quod "dispergantur hostes, ac fugiant osores a faciebus Ipsius"; cum tamen nihil usquam mali adfert, nec nisi bonum, et quod clementissimum est; inde constare potest, quod homo seu spiritus in causa mali, cruciatus ac mortis sui sit. 1748, 15 Maj.

Quid folium ficus, quo cinxit se Adamus [Gen. III: 7]

1960. Cum spiritibus loquutus sum 3

de folio ficus, quo se Adamus cinxit, et confirmatum, quod significaret naturales cognitiones, seu fidem rationalem, aut intellectualem, sub qua nuditates seu amores spurci, qui tali folio contegerentur. 1748, 14 Maj.


1. conformiter auctoris indicio 1961 huc transponimus

2. The Manuscript has 36

3. The Manuscript has est

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