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《灵界经历》 第1962节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1962

1962. 1About a spirit who longed to come into heaven

There was a certain spirit of this earth who came up close to my left ear and said that he was eager to come into heaven, asking how he could come there. I replied first by asking him whether he had spoken to good spirits, and whether he could not first come into their company, and later he might be able to be admitted into heaven. But he answered that they did not want to let him into their society. I then said that it is of the Lord Alone to admit into heaven.

About this spirit I was told by others that there are some like this who, when they die and come into the other life, want nothing else than to come into heaven, no matter how they had lived, or however little faith they have, or deeper knowledge of faith. They only think that because they desire heaven, they should be admitted, supposing this is all that is needed for salvation. Such spirits, however, are almost insane, for they have nothing else in mind but heaven and heavenly joy, having no other thought. During their life they had been inflamed with this desire, not caring whether they had faith or not. And if they had been let in, besides the fact that they could not possibly be in the company of heavenly beings, then they would also want nothing else but joy, and they would never be content, because they could not be touched by any true joy.

Such spirits therefore suffer quite a long time, even until they forget that desire; and when they have forgotten it, then for the first time an idea of what heaven is can be imparted to them, that is, the countless aspects it encompasses - and also what heavenly joy is, namely, mutual love, and from that, joys. 1748, 15 May.


1. Paragraph 1961 is placed according to the author's instruction after 1959.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1962


There was a certain spirit of this earth, who applied himself to my left side, and said that he earnestly desired to come into heaven; and inquired how he should get there, to whom I replied first, [by asking him] (whether he had spoken with good spirits, and was able, as a first step, to come into their society, as he could afterwards be admitted into heaven. To this he replied, that they would not admit him into their society. I then said that admission into heaven pertained to the Lord alone. Concerning that spirit I was informed by others, that he belonged to a class composed of those who, when they die, and come into the other life, desire nothing else than to come into heaven, however they may have lived, or whether they have had any faith or any knowledge of faith thinking only that because they desired it they would be admitted, and considering that to be the essence of salvation. But all such are as it were infatuated, having nothing else in mind than heaven and heavenly joy.) (But they know nothing else, and in their lifetime were inflamed with this desire, regardless whether they had faith or not; and even if they could have been admitted, besides being incapable of companionship with the celestials, they would have longed for nothing else than joy, and would never have been content, because they could not have been affected with true joy. Those of this character, therefore, suffer for a long time, till at length they forget this cupidity, and when they have forgotten it, then it is first insinuated to them what heaven is, to wit, that it embraces indefinite things in one complex, and then what heavenly joy is, to wit, that it is mutual love, whence flows the multitude of other joys. - 1748, May 15.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1962 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1962. De quodam spiritu, qui cupiebat venire in coelum


Erat quidam spiritus hujus telluris, qui se applicuit lateri meo sinistro, et dicebat, quod averet venire in coelum, quaerebatque quomodo illuc venire posset, cui respondebam primum, num loquutus cum spiritibus 2

bonis, annon primum in eorum consortium venireeposset, postea potuisset admitti in coelum, sed respondebat, quod ii nollent eum 3

in societatem suam admittere; dixi, quod admittere in coelum, est Solius Domini; de eo spiritu mihi dicebatur ab aliis, quod tales sint aliqui, qui dum moriuntur, et in alteram vitam veniunt, nihil aliud cupiant, quam ut veniant in coelum, utcunque vixerint, seu utcunque aliquam fidem habeant, nec {a} cognitionem fidei, solum putantes, quia cupiunt coelum, quod admitterentur, putantes id esse unicum salutis, sed usque tales sunt quasi vesani, nam nihil aliud animo tenent, quam coelum, et gaudium coeleste, aliud non sciunt, et in vita ejus cupidine flagrarunt, non curantes num fidem habuerint vel non, sique admissi fuissent, praeter quod cum coelestibus in consortio nequaquam esse possent, etiam tunc nihil aliud cuperent quam gaudium, nec usquam contenti forent, quia nullo gaudio vero affici potuissent; ideo tales satis diu patiuntur, usque dum talis cupidinis obliviscantur, et cum obliti fuerint, tunc primum insinuatur iis, quid coelum, quod in complexu indefinita habet, tum quid gaudium coeleste, quod sit amor mutuus, et exinde gaudia. 1748, 15 Maj.


1. 1961 apparet conformiter indicio auctoris post 1959

2. The Manuscript has spiritus

3. The Manuscript has se

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