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《灵界经历》 第1963节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1963

1963. Where the diversities of pleasures are from

I spoke with spirits about the origin and nature of the so diverse pleasures, which exist with such variety that they are beyond number. Some even feel enjoyments from things that are contrary.

It was said that it is nothing but the result of a harmony, and harmony, in turn, of a habit of living from which people have derived enjoyment. A harmony that is contrary to true harmony is acquired through habit, for there are some who take pleasure in discords, some only in harmonies, as most people are aware. So that which results from an acquired harmony, is pleasure, and it soothes, and from habit one loves to return into it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1963


In conversing with spirits on the origins nature of the great diversity of pleasures, which are so various as to be almost indefinite, some even experiencing delights in things of a contrary nature, it was said that it originates in no other source than harmony, and the harmony results from the habitual course of life from which the delight is derived. A harmony contrary to true harmony is acquired by habit, for there are those who take pleasure in discords, as there are those who delight only in concords, as is evident from a multitude of proofs. Hence whatever results from acquired harmony is a pleasure, and soothes, and from the force of habit one loves to return into it.

Experientiae Spirituales 1963 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1963. Unde diversitates jucunditatum

Loquutus sum cum spiritibus de origine et natura tam diversarum jucunditatum, quae tam variae sint, ut indefinitae, imo aliqui in contrariis sentiunt jucunditates; et dictum quod nihil aliud sit, quam id quod resultat ex harmonia, et harmonia, ex vitae consuetudine; ex qua delectationem ceperunt; harmonia per consuetudinem contraria verae, acquiritur, nam sunt quidam qui a 1

dissonis delectantur, quidam non nisi quam in consonis, sicut notum a pluribus esse potest: inde quod ex harmonia acquisita resultat, est jucunditas, et mulcet, inque eam 2

redire ex consuetudine amat.


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