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《灵界经历》 第1974节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1974

1974. As for the meaning of "evening and morning," in all phases of regeneration, both general and particular, the progression starts from evening, and tends toward morning. In general, the evening of those who are being regenerated is misery, temptations, despair, but they arrive at the morning. So also in detail, in all phases of regeneration one begins from evils, which are turned into good. And it is worth remembering that evil spirits begin, out of their own fantasies and passions, to arouse the person, but that these evils are turned into good in various ways. This has been revealed to me by experience lasting 3 years. So that is "evening and morning," and it applies to every least phase. Therefore it is the process not only of regeneration, but also of the perception of goodness. 1748, 16 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1974

1974. As to evening and morning, [it is to be known] that in all things pertaining to generation both in general and in particular the commencement is from the evening, and the progress onward to morning, as in general with those who are regenerated their evening is [a state of] misery, temptations, and despairs, from which, however, the coming forth is to the morning. The case is similar in particular instances, for in all things of regeneration the start is from evils which are turned into goods; and it is remarkable that evil spirits begin from their phantasies and cupidities to excite men, though these influences are in various modes turned into goods, as has been made known to me by a daily experience of three years' continuance. This is evening and morning even in most singular things, whence not only is regeneration, but the perception of goodness. - 1748, May 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 1974 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1974. Quid "vespera et mane," [dictum] quod in omnibus generationis 1

tam in communi quam in particulari, incipiatur a vespera, et tendat ad mane, sicut in communi, qui regenerantur, eorum vespera est miseria, tentationes, desperationes, sed ab iis venitur ad mane; in singulis similiter, nam in omnibus regenerationis 2

inchoatur a malis, quae vertuntur in bonum; et memorabile est, quod spiritus mali incipiant ex suis phantasiis et cupiditatibus excitare hominem, et quod ea vertantur in bonum, diversimode 3

, quod a diutina et 3 annorum experientia notum mihi factum est, hoc est vespera et mane,'' ita in singularissimis; inde non solum regeneratio, sed etiam perceptio bonitatum. 1748, 16 Maj.


1. fortasse in regenerationis emendandum; vide annotationem mox infra

2. In the Manuscript generationis (erronee ge-generationis ob folii versionem) in regenerationis emendatum

3. The Manuscript has diversisimode

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