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《灵界经历》 第199节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 199

199. About the working of spirits and angels in regard to human thoughts

Experience has confirmed that if the spirits through whom a person's lower thoughts or material mental imagery is governed, were not thinking together with and being held in the same thought the person is thinking or speaking - that person would not be able to think at all, but from a turmoil of differing thoughts among spirits, would be plunged into the greatest darkness and would not be able to understand anything, even in everyday matters.

As for the angels, however, especially the very inward and innermost ones, they seem to be able to think together with humans on earth, because they are in a higher realm, from which their thoughts can flow into human minds without distracting, still less confusing them. For one mental image of human thought can be composed of almost immeasurably numerous mental images of the heavenly angels, and besides, the angels' thoughts are harmonious and unanimous, thus in no way distracting. They are therefore exceedingly delighted when a person on earth becomes a believer, for then they can stream into his or her thoughts with heavenly joy. This is why it was said by [God the Messiah] 1that the angels greatly rejoice over a person who repents [Luke 15:7,10], that is, a person who accepts the faith. 1747, the 5th day of September (old calendar).


1. In the original, there is a space in place of these words, which were first supplied by Dr. J.F.I. Tafel.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 199


It was confirmed by experience that unless the spirits, who rule man's interior thoughts or material ideas, as they are called, should think together with him, they would not be held in the same thought as that in which man is when he thinks or speaks, and man could never think at all, but the greatest obscurity would arise from the crowd of various thoughts amongst spirits, so that he could perceive nothing, not even in general matters. With regard to the angels, however, especially the more interior and inmost angels, they seem to be able to think together with man, because they are in too high a sphere for their thoughts to inflow into human minds in such a way as to distract, still less to confuse them; for a single idea of man's thought may be composed of an almost indefinite number of the ideas of the celestial angels; and, moreover, the thoughts of the angels are concordant and unanimous, thus by no means distracting. The angels are, therefore, exceedingly delighted by a man receiving faith, for then their ideas can inflow into his thoughts with heavenly joy; wherefore it is said by [God Messiah] that the angels greatly rejoice over a man who repents [Luke 15:7], that is, a man who receives faith. 1747, Sept. 5, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 199 (original Latin 1748-1764)

199. De operatione spirituum ac angelorum circa cogitationes humanas

Ab experientia confirmatum, quod, nisi spiritus, per quos inferiores hominis cogitationes seu ideae materiales ita dictae 1

, reguntur, simul cogitarent, nec tenerentur in eadem cogitatione cum ea, in qua homo est, dum cogitat vel loquitur, quod homo nequaquam cogitare posset, sed ex turba variarum cogitationum apud spiritus oriretur maxima obscuritas, ut ne hilum potuisset percipere, ne quidem in communibus. Quod autem angelos attinet, cumprimis intimiores ac intimos, ii videntur simul cum homine posse cogitare, quia in sphaera superiore sunt, quam ut eorum cogitationes possint influere ita in mentes humanas, ut eas distraherent, minus confunderent, nam una hominis cogitationis idea, ex indefinitis fere angelorum coelestium ideis potest concinnari, et praeterea, cogitationes angelorum concordes 2

et unanimes sunt, sic nequaquam distrahentes; maxime ideo delectantur homine fidem accipiente, nam tunc in 3

cogitationes ejus cum coelesti gaudio influere possunt, quapropter dictum est a 4

quod angeli valde laetentur ex homine se resipiscente [Luc. 15:7, 10], hoc est, homine fidem accipiente. 1747, die 5 Sept. st. v.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has dicta

2. The Manuscript has concodes

3. The Manuscript has cum

4. The Manuscript has spatium non impletum; in J.F.I. Tafel's edition [Deo Messia]

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