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《灵界经历》 第198节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 198

198. All spirits and people on earth are held in bonds

Something I have very often noticed was that all spirits were held in bonds, that is, in the kinds of restraints that withheld them from breaking out into lusts and passions - each species of spirits in a bond different from that of another. And to the extent that they are given the liberty, they rush into lusts and passions beyond measure, unless held in suitable restraints by God the Messiah. Likewise also the angels, for each one of them, like people on earth, is evil to the core.

Today I also found out that one spirit, when his bond was loosened, flew up on high, and wanted to go still higher, and if he had been allowed to fly forth in pursuit of his lust, I do not doubt but that he would have burst, or else fallen to nothing. For a spirit, like a person in the world, if given the liberty to break away and follow the impulse of his lust, does not abstain from the ardor of his passion until he bursts. 1747, the 5th day of September (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 198


What I have frequently observed is that all spirits are held in bonds, namely, in such bonds as restrain them from bursting forth into lusts and cupidities, the bonds of one species of spirits being different from those of another; and so far as they are allowed they rush headlong, and unless they were held in suitable bonds by God Messiah it would be beyond measure. The angels would also do likewise, for every one of them like man, is radically evil. Today I also found that one spirit, when his bond was relaxed, flew on high and desired to go higher still, and if he had been allowed to fly according to his inclination, I have no doubt that he would have burst or fallen to nothing; for if license be granted a spirit to burst forth according to the impetuosity of his lust, he, like man, does not desist from the heat of his cupidity until he is broken. 1747, Sept. 5, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 198 (original Latin 1748-1764)

198. Quod omnes spiritus et homines vinculis teneantur

Quod saepissime observavi, erat, quod omnes spiritus vinculis tenerentur, nempe talibus vinculis quae coercerent ne in libidines et cupiditates erumperent, una spirituum species 1

alio vinculo quam altera, et quousque licentia ii conceditur ruunt, sic in immensum, ni 2

tenerentur in vinculis convenientibus a Deo Messia, similiter etiam angeli, unusquisque enim, sicut homines 3

, radicitus malus est; hodie etiam comperii a, quod unus spiritus, dum ei vinculum relaxaretur, quod in altum volaret, et usque altius cuperet, sique ei licuisset secundum libidinem evolare, non dubito quin rumperetur, seu in nihilum laberetur, nam spiritus sicut homo, non desistit, 4

cupiditatis 5

suae aestu, antequam rumpitur, si ei licentia daretur, secundum impetum suae libidinis erumpere. 1747, die 5 Sept. st. v.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition Manuscript specie

2. The Manuscript has ne ut apparet

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has homine

4. = comperi

5. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; "cupiditatis pro cupiditats"

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