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《灵界经历》 第1994节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1994

1994. The same applies to falsity and truth, that is, that truth is turned into falsity. This is done either to deceive, even when they know what is true, or to be clever, because they take pleasure in the ability to distort things, which they consider to be ingenuity. Or it can come from an acquired nature, because of having been falsely persuaded in bodily life and having acquired false beliefs, like the gentiles. The latter can be saved much more easily than those who are prompted by deceit and cleverness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1994

1994. The case is the same in regard to the false and the true, namely, that the true is turned into the false, which takes place either from deceit, although they know the truth; or from art, in that a peculiar delight is taken in being able to pervert, which is accounted a sign of ingenuity; or from nature, inasmuch as in the life of the body they were persuaded concerning falsity, and had acquired a faith of the false, as the Gentiles, who are much more easily saved than those who act from deceit and art.

Experientiae Spirituales 1994 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1994. Similiter se res habet cum falso et vero; nempe quod verum vertatur in falsum, quod fit vel ex dolo, quamvis sciunt quid verum, vel ex arte, quod delectatur in eo, quod possint pervertere, quod 1

ingeniosum putant; vel ex natura, quia in vita corporis persuasi fuerint de falsitate, et acquisiverunt fidem falsi, sicut gentiles, qui facilius multo salvantur, quam qui ex dolo et arte [agunt].


1. The Manuscript has pervertere quod

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