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《灵界经历》 第1995节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1995

1995. How angels perceive whatever is evil and offensive

By experience I have been given to learn and perceive how the angels feel all the offensive, hence evil things in a person. I was reading about the people's whoring after Baal-peor, Num. 25, and at that time there was an angelic perception communicated to me, such that I felt nothing foul or offensive, only an indescribable mildness, comparable in earthly terms to touching sharp-cornered objects whose sharp corners have been rubbed off. 1748, 19 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1995


By experience it was given me to know and to perceive how the angels have a sensation of those things in man which are vile, and consequently evil; for when I read respecting the scortation of the people with Baal-peor, Num. 25, an angelic perception was given which was communicated to me, and which was such that I perceived nothing foul or filthy, but only somewhat mild, which cannot be described. Compared with earthly things it resembled those that are sharply angular, and thus pungent, when their sharp angles and points are rubbed off. - 1748, May 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 1995 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1995. Quomodo angeli sentiunt ab iis quae mala sunt, et turpia

Per experientiam dabatur mihi nosse, et percipere, quomodo angeli sentiunt ea, quae in homine turpia sunt, proinde quae mala, legi enim de scortatione populi post Baalpeor, Num. XXV: et 1

tunc perceptio dabatur angelica, quae mecum communicabatur, quae talis erat, ut nihil foedum aut turpe perciperem, solum mite, quod describi nequit; comparari potest cum terrenis, ut quae angulata sunt, et sic pungentia, tanquam abrasis angulis seu punctoriis, contingerent. 1748, 19 Maj.


1. The Manuscript has XXV: et

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