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《灵界经历》 第1998节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1998

1998. And it is remarkable that the angels were gladdened by this music, but only when I paid less attention to it, so as not to mix in the gladness of the spirits that had been communicated to me-thus as if I were hearing nothing. This is also the case in other circumstances, that is, that the angels paid more attention when I paid less. 1748, 19 May. The reason was, that bodily elements were then present, and the thoughts of almost bodily spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1998

1998. And it is remarkable that the angels were affected with pleasure from the same cause; but only when I paid less attention to it, so that I did not mix with it the delights of the spirits communicated to me, but when I, as it were, heard nothing. So also in other things, [I noticed that] the angels paid greater attention in proportion as I paid less. - 1748, May 19. The reason was, that corporeal things were then conjoined, as the thoughts of the spirits were almost corporeal.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1998 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1998. Et mirabile est, quod angeli eadem laetati sint, sed tunc, cum minorem attentionem ego ei adhiberem, sic ut non laetitiam spirituum mecum communicatam miscerem, sed quasi cum nihil audirem; ita quoque in caeteris, tunc angeli majorem habebant attentionem, cum ego minorem. 1748, 19 Maj. Causa erat, quia corporea tunc simul erant, et spirituum paene corporeorum 1



1. The Manuscript has corporeum

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