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《灵界经历》 第1999节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1999

1999. How the matter stands in regard to the stirring up of desires in those who have faith

I spoke with good spirits who thought I was thinking something evil and said that this was my nature, and I was therefore not pure.

But I was given to reply that this is just like with the reflection in a mirror, which those who do not know better suppose to be the person himself, when yet it is not. For both the desire and the evil is aroused by evil spirits, and because the person has faith, nothing of it clings to him or her, nor is it accounted to them. Rather, it is turned into something good, for such a thing is not aroused in one who has faith except for the purpose of being improved, and regenerated. So it is like a deceptive reflection that gives the impression of being the person, whereas it is the fantasies of spirits, and nothing else, that are being communicated, giving the impression of belonging to the person.

With this reply they were very satisfied, because they were good and faithful spirits. 1748, 19 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1999


I conversed with good spirits, who supposed that I might be thinking something of evil, saying that such was my quality, consequently that I was not pure. but it was given me to reply that the truth of the case was like that of an image in a looking-glass, which is supposed by those who know no better to be the very person himself and not an image, when still the fact is not so; for cupidity and evil is excited by evil spirits, and when one is in faith nothing adheres or is imputed to him, but [evil] is turned into good; for nothing of this kind is excited with him who is in faith except for an end, namely, of reformation and regeneration. The idea is, as it were, an image which works an illusion, and presents an appearance of the person himself, when yet it is nothing else than the phantasies of spirits which are communicated, and thus form a semblance of the person himself. With this response, as the spirits were good and faithful, they were abundantly satisfied. - 1748, May 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 1999 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1999. Quomodo se habent 1

excitationes cupiditatum, apud eos qui in fide

Loquutus sum cum spiritibus bonis, qui putabant quod aliquid mali cogitarem, dicentes, quod talis essem, proinde non purus, sed dabatur respondere, quod res se habeat sicut imago in speculis, quae putatur ab iis qui ignorant, quod sit ipsa persona, non imago, cum tamen non ita sit, nam a spiritibus malis excitatur cupiditas et malum, et quia in fide, nihil adhaeret, nec imputatur, sed vertitur in bonum, nam tale non excitatur apud eum qui in fide, nisi ob finem, ut melior fiat, ac regeneretur, ideo est sicut imago, quae illudit, et speciem facit, quod ipse sit, cum tamen nihil aliud quam spirituum phantasiae, quae communicantur, et sic faciunt speciem tanquam ejus sit; quo responso, quia spiritus boni et fideles erant, multum contenti sunt. 1748, 19 Maj.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has spiritus

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