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《灵界经历》 第2001节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2001

2001. About the general force that governs human thoughts

There is a certain general force that governs human thoughts, keeping the thoughts within certain limits, so that they cannot wander beyond them, in fact it governs the least and very least details of thought. What the nature of this general force is cannot so well be expressed, because mankind has no knowledge of it. To me it was depicted as a wavy field, which I saw and felt, containing thoughts within it, thus keeping them within limits, as said.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2001


There is a certain general something [quoddam commune] which governs man's thoughts, which holds those thoughts within certain limits which they cannot transgress, nay, which governs the singular and most singular things of thought. What is the nature of this general principle cannot be so well expressed, because men have no knowledge of it. It was represented to me by a waving sphere, which I perceived and felt, containing within itself thoughts, and holding them within limits, as already remarked.

Experientiae Spirituales 2001 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2001. De communi, quod regit cogitationes hominis

Est quoddam commune, quod regit cogitationes hominis, quod tenet cogitationes intra certos limites, ut non possint ultra eos vagari, imo regit singularia et singularissima 1

cogitationis 2

; quale hoc commune, non ita exprimi potest, quia homines nullam ejus cognitionem habent, mihi est repraesentatum per sphaeram undantem, quam percepi et sensi, quae continebat in se cogitationes, et sic intra limites, ut dictum, tenebat.


1. The Manuscript has singulrissimis

2. The Manuscript has cogitionis

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