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《灵界经历》 第2000节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2000

2000. Man does not make even the slightest movement apart from a fixed law

I have now and then observed that nothing whatever occurs apart from a fixed law, not even the slightest movement, such as turning the eye, moving the hand. But at such times I also realized that I was being persuaded in this matter by the influence of heaven, so as to be convinced. For the heavens are of this conviction, and in fact, that not even the very least thing occurs except from the Lord, by His will, by His good pleasure, or by His permission, thus always according to fixed law.

This is quite clear from one experience by itself, namely, that no mental image can be portrayed to me, nor any voice heard, except entirely in accordance with a law from which there could not be even the slightest departure. So all things down to the very least details are directed toward a purpose, and [all] purposes toward the purpose. 1748, 19 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2000


I have sometimes observed that nothing ever existed but by the operation of a fixed law, not even the least thing, as, for instance, the casual occurrence of anything to the eye, the movement of my hand, etc. But I then perceived also that I might be persuaded concerning it by an influx from heaven, so that in fact I was persuaded; for the heavens are in such a persuasion, and that nothing, not even the slightest occurrence takes place but in consequence of the will, the good pleasure, or the permission of the Lord, thus perpetually from a fixed law, as may be sufficiently manifest from one experience only, to wit, that there could not appear to me any representative image, nor could any voice be heard, unless entirely according to a law from which there could not be the least imaginable deviation. Thus all and singular things are ordered with reference to ends, and those ends to a [still ulterior] end. - 1748, May 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 2000 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2000. Quod ab homine ne minima motiuncula fiat, absque stata lege

Aliquando observavi, quod nihil usquam existeret absque stata lege, ne minimum quidem, ut quod obversaretur oculo, quod moverem manum, sed tunc quoque percepi, quod de eo persuaderer 1

per influxum a coelo, sic ut persuasus essem, nam coeli in tali persuasione sunt, et quidem quod nihil ne minimum quidem [fiat] nisi a Domino, volente, beneplacente, permittente, sic jugiter ex stata lege, sicut satis ab una solum experientia constare potest, quod non apparere queat aliqua imago repraesentata mihi, nec vox audita, nisi prorsus secundum legem, a qua ne quidem minimum minimi aberrare potuit: ita omnia et singula ad fines {a}, et fines ad finem. 1748, 19 Maj.


1. The Manuscript has persuaderrer

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