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《灵界经历》 第2003节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2003

2003. In the fields of nature that come out of it, nothing exists apart from the general field that governs the individual parts - not in the region of the atmospheres, the medium of sounds, sight, and the like; hence neither in music, unless there is a resounding body, and the communicating stirrup bone; 1nor in the kingdoms of nature, as the vegetable and animate kingdoms, even in all the organs of the body. But these general fields are not well known, because people have reflected little on the subject.


1. The original has stapes, a small bone of the inner ear.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2003

2003. In natural things thence originating there is nothing given without a general sphere which governs singulars; not in the atmospheric world, where are sounds, sights, and the like; neither in musical matters, unless there be a co-sounding and equably accordant body; nor in the kingdoms of nature, as the vegetable and animal, yea, in all the organs of the body. But those general spheres are not so well known, because they are little reflected upon.

Experientiae Spirituales 2003 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2003. In naturalibus, quae exinde, nihil datur absque sphaera communi, quae regit singularia, non in mundo atmosphaerico, ubi soni, visus, et similia; ita nec in musicis, nisi sit corpus consonans, et stapes communicans; nec in regnis naturae, ut in vegetabili et animali, imo in corporis omnibus organis, sed sphaerae istae communes non ita notae sunt, quia [homines] parum reflexerunt.

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