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《灵界经历》 第2013节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2013

2013. With the wicked, however, the reason is that they originate all evils from themselves, and then almost consistently, blame them on Jehovah. Some do so for the reason that they do not know any better, having become convinced of it during their life, and because they do not go into the matter more deeply, thus to the point of grasping what permissions are, and how they come about.

Others, however, do so out of sheer wickedness, as I have been given to learn by much experience. For on many occasions, when anything bad happened, they gave the blame to the Lord, and their thoughts about it were communicated to me. 1748, 20 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2013

2013. The cause, however, with the wicked is, that they derive all evils from themselves, and yet cast the blame upon Jehovah, which is their constant wont. To this we may add that some do not know otherwise, inasmuch as they cherished this persuasion in their lifetime and, moreover, they are not such as penetrate much beyond the surface, and thus do not grasp the nature and origin of permissions. Some again do it out of mere malice, which it has been given me to know by much experience, as oftentimes when anything of evil has occurred, they have laid the blame upon the Lord, and what their thoughts were on the subject was communicated to me. 1748, May 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 2013 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2013. Causa autem apud improbos est, quod omnia mala a se derivent, et Jehovam incusant, quod fere continuum est {a}, tam ex causa quod quidam non aliter sciunt, quia ita persuasi in vita, tum quod non penetrent ultra, sic non ad permissiones, quales sunt, et unde; quidam autem ex mera malitia, quod per multam experientiam discere mihi datum, nam permultoties, cum aliquid mali accideret, Domino dederunt culpam, quae eorum cogitationes mecum communicatae sunt. 1748, 20 Maj.

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