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《灵界经历》 第2014节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2014

2014. There is variety in all things

Very many people, almost all, are convinced that hell is the same for everyone, and that heaven is the same for everyone. Thus they limit these concepts in one very general, and very vague idea, and as a consequence, close off the way to a knowledge of what hell is, and what heaven. Yet there are incalculably many varieties both in hell and in heaven, such that if the number of them were multiplied to eternity, there would never be a single soul, in hell who had the same hell, or in heaven who had the same heaven. For they exist with endless variety, in fact with endless variation of varieties, even to eternity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2014


Very many persons, indeed nearly all, are persuaded that hell is the same to everyone, and likewise heaven; thus they have respecting them only a most general and obscure idea; consequently, they close to themselves the way to a knowledge of what hell is and what heaven is, when, in fact, the varieties both in hell and in heaven are so indefinite, that if souls should be multiplied to eternity, there would never be one that should have precisely the same hell or the same heaven with another, but there would still exist an indefinite variety, nay, an indefinite variation of varieties to all eternity.

Experientiae Spirituales 2014 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2014. Quod omnium varietas sit

Perplurimi et fere omnes persuasi sunt, quod infernum sit simile unicuique, et quod coelum sit simile unicuique, ita includunt ea, in idea communissima, et obscurissima, proinde praecludunt sibi viam ad sciendum, quid infernum, et quid coelum; cum tamen tam indefinitae varietates sint tam in inferno, quam in coelo, ut nusquam una anima [sit], si vel in aeternum multiplicarentur, quae simile habet, quae in inferno, infernum, et quae in coelo, coelum, sed cum indefinita varietate, imo cum indefinita variatione varietatum, etiam in aeternum.

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