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《灵界经历》 第2026节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2026

2026. Humans are worse than wild animals

I spoke with spirits today, and previously [1063], about the human race being worse than wild animals because humans are living upside down, but wild animals according to order. For humans love to uproot the whole society for their own sake, while wild animals do not, except certain species when driven by hunger, for whom other animals are designated by the order [of nature] as food. In short, it can be demonstrated by many circumstances that humankind, when left to themselves unrestrained, are much worse than what savage wild animals of the forest are intrinsically.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2026


I conversed today, as I have done before, with spirits respecting the human race, that they are worse than wild beasts, because that men live according to inverted order, and wild beasts according to true order; for men are prompted to extirpate all society for the sake of self, whereas with beasts it is not so, unless in the case of certain species when urged, under the goadings of hunger, their nature being such that, according to order, one species should feed on another. In a word, it may be demonstrated by many proofs that the human race, viewed in itself, and when left to itself divested of restraint, is worse than fierce wild beasts of the forest.

Experientiae Spirituales 2026 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2026. Quod homines pejores feris sint

Cum spiritibus, hodie, ac prius [1063] loquutus sum, de genere humano, quod pejores feris sint, quia inversum ordinem vivunt homines, ferae autem secundum ordinem: homines enim omnem societatem sui causa exstirpare amant, ferae autem non ita, nisi quaedam species famis causa, quibus quoque datae sunt bestiae in cibum secundum ordinem: verbo multis demonstrari potest, quod humanum [genus] 1

multo pejus sit feris sylvae immanibus ex se, quando exuti vinculis sibi relinquuntur.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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