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《灵界经历》 第1063节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1063

1063. But from the description of the spirits in that place it can be evident who are in that province and what they are like, namely, that they are devoid of compassion, wanting without any conscience to destroy the human race, to kill and plunder, not caring whether those who resist them are men, or boys, women, or little children. Thus they are those who mercilessly long to destroy and devastate the human race and everything belonging to it, and have a vicious disposition, as do many soldiers and their commanders. They were the kind of spirits who, on being let loose, as they had been in the body - not during the battle, but after the battle, when plundering the cities and villages, and whatever lay in their path-would be aroused to such fury that they would rush most eagerly to the massacre of everyone, and could not be held back.

Meanwhile, I spoke with spirits about what people are like when left to themselves and are permitted to live without law. They are much more fierce than the worst animals, which do not rush in this way to slaughtering their own species. (It is a different matter when they are defending themselves against their enemies, and when wild animals exert ferocity on other animals left to them as food. It should not be considered as anything but justified defense when they are attacked by those who are like enemies, and when they slay animals fit for eating.)

Heavenly beings also observed this and were horrified that the human race of this earth was like this, for if they had not had this view of it, it would have seemed unbelievable to them. And I discussed with them the question how such souls can ever be brought into heaven, where love, compassion and peace reigns. Would they not still harbor the same intent of wiping out everyone, if the freedom were just given them and they were driven by love of self and the world? Then I added that such people are only happy at heart, and feel proud, when they see armies of corpses scattered about, to the number of many thousands, and hear their moanings of misery, and see streams of blood throughout the battlefield, themselves and their swords spattered with human blood. Then they are elated, thinking themselves heroes, yes, and then they also sing "Te Deum laudamus!" 1And yet they call themselves Christians. 1748, 28 February.


1. "We praise Thee, Oh God!"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1063

1063. Moreover, from a description of the spirits of that place, it can be evident who and of what quality are those who are in that province. They are endowed with no mercy, and without conscience want to destroy the human race, to slay and to spoil without distinction as to whether they be men who resist, or children, women and infants. Thus without mercy they desire in this way to destroy and ravage the human race and whatever belongs thereto. They are of a ferocious disposition, as for the most part are soldiers and their officers. Such were these spirits. If license were given them such as they had in the body, when they ravaged cities and villages and whatever they met - not during the battle but after it - they would be aroused to such fury, that they would rush upon nothing with greater vehemence than the destruction of all, so that they could not be restrained. Meanwhile, I spoke with spirits concerning them, and concerning the nature of men when left to themselves and permitted to act without regard to law, saying, That they are far more violent than the worst of wild beasts, who do not in this way rush to the slaughter of their species. (It is different when they are defending themselves from their enemies, and when wild beasts exert their fierceness upon other animals, for these are left to them for food; this should not be considered otherwise than as a just defense when attacked by like enemies, and when they slay animals suitable for food.) The heavenly ones saw and were horrified that the human race on this earth was of such a nature, for without having beheld such a spectacle it would have seemed to them incredible. I further said to them, How can such souls ever be admitted into heaven where love, mercy, and peace reign? Would they not still cherish a like disposition to extirpate every one, if only license were given them? and would they not be actuated by the love of self and of the world? And I also told them that such persons at once rejoice at heart and are uplifted in mind, when they see armies of slain scattered about to the number of many thousands, and hear their cries of misery, and see the streams of blood flowing from the bodies, and they themselves and their swords sprinkled with human blood. In such things are they proud and consider themselves heroes. Yea, they even then sing "Te Deum laudamus". Yet they call themselves Christians!

Experientiae Spirituales 1063 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1063. Sed ex descriptione spirituum ibi loci constare potest, qui et quales in ea provincia sunt, qui nempe nulla misericordia praediti, et absque conscientia genus humanum perdere volunt, interficere, et spoliare, absque delectu sive sint viri qui resistunt, aut si pueri, faeminae, infantes, et qui sic absque misericordia humanum genus, et quae ad eos pertinent, ita perdere et populari cupiunt, ita qui feroci sunt animo; ut sunt plurima pars militum et eorum praefectorum; tales spiritus erant, quibus data licentia, qualis iis fuit in corpore, non in pugnis, sed post pugnas, dum spoliarent 1

urbes, et pagos, et quicquid obvium est, tunc ii tali furore perciti sunt, ut nihil impensius [erat], quam [ut] in internecionem omnium ruerint, sic ut detineri non potuerint, cum spiritibus de iis interea loquutus sum, quales sunt homines, dum sibi relicti, et absque lege iis permittitur agere, quod multo furiosiores sint feris pessimis, qui non ita in internecionem suae speciei ruunt, (aliud est, dum se defendunt ab hostibus, et dum ferae id exercent, quia iis relicta sunt animalia alia in cibum, hoc nec aliter considerandum est, ac defensio justa dum ab hostibus similibus impugnantur, et dum mactant animalia esui convenientia); coelestes 2

etiam spectarunt, et horruerunt, quod genus humanum hujus telluris, tale esset, nam absque spectaculo simili, incredibile iis visum est. Et loquutus sum cum iis, quomodo tales animae usquam in coelum intromitti queant, ubi regnat amor, misericordia, pax; annon sic usque foverent similem animum extirpandi omnes, modo licentia iis daretur, ac ageretur ex amore sui et mundi. Tum etiam iis dictum est, quod tunc primum gaudeant ex corde, et animo superbiunt, cum strata agmina cadaverum, ad plura millia videant, et audiant eorum lamentationes miserabiles, et videant 3

rivos sanguinis per totum campum, seque et enses suos sanguine humano sparsos, sic superbiunt, seque heroos putant, imo quoque tunc canunt, "Te Deum laudamus"; et tamen se Christianos vocant. 1748, 28 Febr.


1. The Manuscript has spoliaret

2. The Manuscript has convenientia:

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has videat

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