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《灵界经历》 第2035节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2035

2035. Then, although evil spirits were constantly trying to attack him and summon him into their societies, and using their arts, snatch him away from the good spirits, nevertheless he was protected. And the evil were permitted to keep on plotting these actions to the point of causing him fear and considerable anxiety, as is apt to come over those who have faith so that they may know that the Lord Alone protects them. Without experiencing such fear and anxiety, they scarcely acknowledge this; etc.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2035

2035. Then, although evil spirits were disposed continually to infest him, and to draw him into their societies, aiming by their arts to pluck him from the fellowship of the good, yet he was still protected; and it was permitted to these evil spirits to persist in their machinations even to the point of producing in him a certain degree of fear and anguish, as is wont to happen to those who are in faith, that they may think that it is the Lord alone who protects them; for without such a fear and anxiety they would scarcely acknowledge that fact, etc.

Experientiae Spirituales 2035 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2035. Tunc tametsi spiritus mali eum continue infestare vellent, et eum in societates suas arcessere, et suis artibus eripere onis, usque tamen tutatus est; et permissum erat malis continue talia machinari, usque ad timorem et aliqualem ejus angustiam, sicut fieri solet iis qui in fide, ut inde sciant, quod Dominus Solus tutetur eos; nam absque tali timore et anxietate, vix id agnoscunt, etc.

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