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《灵界经历》 第2034节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2034

2034. Then he was left to his own thoughts, so that he would think about what he should now do, as when he was in the body, because he was without all the means of living. And because he was in the company of good spirits and angels, his thoughts were guided in such a way that he would think nothing evil at all that might give evil spirits cause to attack him. This continued for a long time.

So I observed that [newly arrived] souls think exactly as they are used to doing in the body, and in this way it was found out that he could live in a society of good spirits, and that he had been a person with faith in the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2034

2034. He was then left to his own reflections that he might think, as in the body, what he should do, being now deprived of all things essential to life; and inasmuch as he was now in the society of good spirits and angels, his thoughts were so directed that he should entertain no idea of evil, from which evil spirits could derive a cause of infesting him, and in this state he remained for a very considerable time. Hence it was observed that souls think altogether as they are accustomed to do in the body, and by means of these agencies an exploration was effected, going to show that the spirit in question could be in the society of the good, and that he had been a man who was in faith towards the Lord.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2034 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2034. Tunc relictus est suis cogitationibus, ut cogitaret sicut in corpore, quid tunc faceret, quia absque omnibus iis quibus potuisset vivere, et quia in societate bonorum spirituum, et angelorum, dirigebantur ejus cogitationes ita, ut nihil tamen mali, ex quo mali spiritus causam eum infestandi haberent, cogitaret, quod diu persistebat; ita observatum, quod animae prorsus cogitent sicut solent in corpore, ex iis exploratum est, quod esse potuit in societate bonorum, et quod homo fuerit, qui in fide in Dominum.

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