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《灵界经历》 第2037节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2037

2037. They also gave him all the help he needed, and whatever occurred to him to wish for or desire in thought, they gave him-everything he could possibly think of or wish for. For they are able to give whatever the souls wish for, because such things can be portrayed in a way that they seem to be real, entirely as if they had them in the world. The possession of worldly goods is entirely imaginary, and when the imagination possesses them in visible abundance, then he or she possesses them just as in the world, and delights in them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2037

2037. They also rendered to him every assistance, and whatever he was prompted to wish and long for in his thoughts, that they gave to him, thus everything that entered into the range of his thoughts and desires, for they can give whatever is desired, inasmuch as such things can be represented, and thus can be made to appear to the person altogether as if he possessed them in the world, for the possession of goods in the world is nothing else than imaginary, and when the imagination enjoys them to the full and has them in its eye, then it possesses them as in the world, and is delighted with them.

Experientiae Spirituales 2037 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2037. Tunc quoque ii ei omnem operam praestabant, et quicquid usquam optare et cogitatione desiderare dabatur, id ei dabant, sic omnia quaecunque cogitare et optare potuit, nam dare possunt quicquid optant, nam repraesentari talia possunt, et ei videntur ita esse, prorsus quasi ea haberet in mundo, nam bonorum possessiones in mundo, nihil est nisi imaginativum, cumque imaginatio, usque ad plenum, et ad oculum ea possidet, tunccsimiliter ac in mundo, possidet, et iis delectatur.

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