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《灵界经历》 第2046节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2046

2046. It is amazing that one can hear clearly when they are speaking in which state they are, for example, when they are more or less asleep. One can also tell whether they are deceitful, which is revealed in their speaking itself (even if no deceptions are noticeable), and what specific kind of malice it is. So all their feelings can be recognized by angels, through the mercy of the Lord, from their speaking alone, without further examination. The speaking of the cunning is quiet, but in each sound there is a reflection of their deceit that is recognized by those whom the Lord enables to recognize it. So in regard to other characteristics. 1748, 22 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2046

2046. It is remarkable that it can be manifestly known what state they are in from the hearing of their voice when they speak, as, for instance, whether they are more or less in a state of sleep; so, also, whether they are deceitful, (which is manifested in the speech itself, although otherwise no deceits are perceived; and this according to the diversities of the ill intent, so that all the affections may, through the loving-kindness of the Lord, be known by the angels from the speech alone, and apart from any special explanation. The speech of the deceitful is tacit, there being in every tone an image of deceit, which is recognized by those to whom the Lord gives to perceive it;) and in other things. - 1748, May 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 2046 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2046. Mirum est, quod audiri 1

manifeste possit, quum loquuntur, in quo statu sunt, sicut dum in statu somni magis minusve 2

; tum etiam num sint dolosi, quod manifestatur in ipsa loquela, tametsi nulli doli percipiuntur, et hoc secundum diversitatem malitiae, ita omnes affectiones ex sola loquela, ab angelis ex misericordia Domini, possunt cognosci, praeterquam ut explorentur; dolosorum loquela est tacita, in quovis sono dolosi imago, quae cognoscitur ab iis quibus Dominus dat ea cognoscere, ita in reliquis. 1748, 22 Maj.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has audire

2. The Manuscript has minusvis

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