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《灵界经历》 第2058节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2058

2058. There were still others who were also raised up into heaven, one, in fact, of my acquaintances in life, who was too dumbfounded to describe the Word's glory, declaring compassionately that it was amazing that people did not have the least knowledge or inkling of these matters.

They were allowed to look into my thoughts and feelings, and they claimed, as I also discerned, that they knew more in regard to thoughts than anyone could imagine, as well as what causes them, which a person on earth can never really know. He or she pays no attention to them-to where these or those, or other elements [of thought] come from, as, for example, when I was writing these words, how the things being written were brought in either by grace, or by permission.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2058

2058. (There were still others who were also raised up into heaven, and especially one from among those whom I had known in their lifetime, who, from utter amazement, was unable to describe its glory, saying with emotions of pity that it was strange that men had not the least particle of knowledge of these wonderful things. It was given them to look into my thoughts and affections; and they said, and I also perceived that they took cognizance of many more things in thoughts than anyone could imagine, as also of causes, which man would attempt in vain to grasp, and to which he does not attend, together with the sources from which this and that proceeds, and other like things; as, moreover, in regard to my present writing, how the things written are suggested, whether by leave or by permission.

Experientiae Spirituales 2058 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2058. Alii porro quoque in coelum sublati sunt, et quidem unus ex mihi in vita notis, qui non potuit ejus {a} gloriam prae stupore describere, ex miseratione dicens, quod mirum, homines ne hilum ex talibus scire et nosse; in cogitationes et affectiones meas intueri iis dabatur, et dicebant, ac percipiebam, quod scirent plura in cogitationibus, quam quis cogitare posset, tum causas quas homo nequicquam scire ita potest, nec quibus attendit, sic unde haec et illa, et alia similia, tum quum scriberem haec, quomodo inferrentur vel venia vel permissione ea, quae scribebantur.

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