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《灵界经历》 第2061节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2061

2061. 1 # Some who had been raised up into the inward heaven while I was reading Deut. 3 from beginning to end, and who understood it in its spiritual meaning, declared after I had read it that there was not even a point in which there was not a spiritual meaning, in coherent series, so that all the details, even the most minute, were inspired, and every single word there, and the names of men, symbolize things, entirely following the series of events in the Word. This they corroborated and, in fact, said they would do so bindingly, by oath, but it was not permitted. 1748, 23 May.


1. The original indicates that 2061 is to be inserted after 2059.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2061

2061. (Certain spirits who had been raised up to the interior heaven while I was reading Deut. 3 from beginning to end, and while they understood the contents in a spiritual sense, said at the close of my reading that there was not even a tittle [apex] of it which did not contain a coherent, spiritual sense, so that each single thing, even the most minute, was inspired, and that the several words and names of persons signified things, altogether according to the series of the Word, which was confirmed by the spirits, and that so strongly that they said they were willing to testify it upon oath, but this was not permitted. - 1748, May 23.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2061 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2061. 1

# # Quidam qui in coelum interius sublati, cum legerem Deut. III, a principio ad finem, et ii in sensu spirituali intellexerunt, postquam legi, dicebant, quod ne apex quidem esset, in quo non spiritualis sensus, cohaerens, sic ut singula, etiam minutissima 2

inspirata sint, ac ibi voces singulae, ac nomina virorum, significent res, prorsus secundum seriem Verbi, quod confirmatum ab iis, et quidem stricte, juramento [confirmare] velle se ajebant, sed non permissum. 1748, 23 Maj.

Quod homo aut spiritus nihil 1

scire ex se debeat, et quod tunc primum sapiat

2060. Dictum spiritibus, quod qui parum, sicut nihil ex semet sciat, is primum sapiat, quod eodem redit, ac illud: qui nihil est, is est aliquid, seu quantum est nihil tantum plus est, quia tunc primum Dominus est apud eum, et tunc primum sapiens est, quia sapientia non est ejus sed Domini, ita quoque in caeteris: mirati sunt spiritus, cum illa dicerem; et cogitant nunc ac silent, cum tamen veritas est, et eodem redit ac id quod quo minus ex suo proprio habet quis, eo magis ex Domini. 1748, 23 Maj.


1. auctoris indicio conformiter, 2061 huc transpone

2. The Manuscript has minitussima

1. The Manuscript has Cum homo aut spiritus nihil sciat ex

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