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《灵界经历》 第2062节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2062

2062. 1All and the least things are controlled by the Lord, [and] in every idea and feeling, there are countless particulars

This morning I was shown plainly that there are countless particulars in every human idea and slightest feeling. In fact, if it is permitted to say something beyond human belief, the circumstance is similar to that of the universal world of spirits:

I was having a certain feeling and resulting mental image, almost continuously over a period of time, and afterwards I was shown how many societies of spirits had contributed to the mental image resulting from that feeling, which some might regard as a simple, even most simple idea.

The societies of spirits nearest by who were contributing to it revealed themselves by actual conversation, claiming that they were the ones who wanted this thing, and were set on it, even explaining for what reason, and for what purpose. They did so one after the other. And yet, out of so many thought images of these societies, arising from their desires, longings, and intentions, just one general thought or image came forth within me.

How many there were in each society, I was unable to learn, but 4 or 5 societies, if not more, revealed themselves by open conversation, openly declaring that they had caused it, and even telling for what purpose.


1. Paragraph 2061 is placed according to the author's instruction after 2059.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2062


(This morning it was shown me manifestly that in every man's idea and slightest affection [affectiunculoe] there are present indefinite things, yea, if it were lawful to speak things above human belief that a similar state occurs in the universal world of spirits. I was in a certain affection, and hence in its idea, for some time almost continuously. Afterwards it was shown me how many societies of spirits concurred in the idea of that affection, which some would regard as a simple, yea, very simple idea, for societies of spirits who proximately concurred, manifested themselves by living speech, saying that they were the ones who willed and urged this, and also from what cause and what end they so acted. Thus did one society after another; and yet from the ideas of so many societies springing from their cupidities, desires, and ends, one common thought or idea existed with me. How many there were in each society I could not discover; but four or five societies, if not more, manifested themselves by open speech, and openly acknowledged that they were in the cause [of that idea], and on account of what end [it occurred].

Experientiae Spirituales 2062 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2062. Quod omnia et singula regantur a Domino, quod in unaquavis idea et affectione indefinita insint


Hoc mane ostensum mihi est manifeste, quod unicuivis hominis ideae et affectiunculae indefinita insint, imo si ultra fidem humanam dicere liceat, quod status similis universi mundi spirituum; eram in quadam affectione, et exinde idea, continue fere per aliquantum temporis, postea mihi ostensum est, quot societates spirituum concurrerent ad affectionis istius ideam, quam non nisi simplicem imo simplicissimam quidam putare possent; nam societates spirituum, qui proxime concurrebant, se manifestabant per vivum sermonem, dicentes quod ii essent qui hoc vellent, et insisterent, et quidem ex qua causa, et quo fine, sic una post alteram, cum tamen ex tot societatum ideis oriundis ex eorum cupiditatibus, desideriis, et finibus, una communis cogitatio seu idea penes me existeret; quot in quavis societate, non scire potui, sed 4 vel 5 societates, si non plures, se per apertum sermonem manifestabant, et quod in causa fuerint, aperte fassi sunt, et quidem propter quem finem.


1. 2061 apparet conformiter auctoris indicio post 2059

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